
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by PwnsauceAddict, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is a map I made on Reflection because the aesthetics of Reflection are awesome. It turned out pretty small so the map is mainly made for FFA with 3-4 people or less. I did set it up for teams but I haven't tested that out yet. Although I have tested out FFA with 3 people and 2 people, and both played well.

    The weapons currently are:
    2x DMR
    2x Magnums

    I don't feel like thats enough weapons, but it did work well in game play. I was thinking of putting a shotgun in the middle with no spare clips.

    Due to the map, it was hard to take an overall picture but i took as best pictures as i could:

    This is where a spawn zone is. In the little water fall is one of the DMR's. also next to it is one of the health packs.

    Here is another view of the pond:

    Next to the pond is a hallway with a teleporter at the end of it.

    The teleporter leads to the one at the left side of the picture. This picture is half of a big part of the map:

    This is the opposite side of the last picture:

    A good view of the map:

    Sorry if its hard to get an understanding of the map, but I tried as best I could. Tell me if you have any ideas for improvements, thanks.
  2. Prospect

    Prospect Forerunner

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    Did you actually put in the fish too? I'm just wondering cuz i never saw them before. By the looks of it, it kinda looks like the same old reflection, just with barricades :/
  3. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, you just never noticed the fish before then. And it's entirely different gameplay than reflection.

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