Guardian V2 By: SDTxPappys r us & btp2325 This is an over view shot of the map. This is "green" otherwise known as the forest. This is sniper tower in all its glory. This is a view of gold room. This is blue room. I spent around 15 hours making and testing this map Mainly the hardest part's were the aesthetic features and making every spawn point and every weapon the same as the original map. Please download and share it to your friends.
This map is amazing, I instantly downloaded it. I can't believe you finished a map this well made already, and the spawns in the same place.... That is amazing, I would like to know if the weapons are all the same, and you replaced the br's with the DMR's, and the brute shot with the concussion rifle? If so then kudos to you.
Yes all the spawns are the same and the BR is switched to the DMR and the brute shot is switched to the grenade launcher. Everything else was placed as well as we could we ran out of objects and money. Btw is there infinite money glitch in reach yet?
You should switch the brute shot with the concussion rifle, they're practically the same thing and the grenade launcher is far more powerful. And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't the tree stumps in the original Guardian act as line-of-sight blockers? It doesn't seem right that you should be able to shoot from camo to elbow.
The gameplay was fine for the FFA game I played but as for copying geometry, this needs work. I see by your description that you wanted a replica of Halo 3's Gaurdian. The rooms are not proportional. For example, look at Top Gold. The jumpup area is too close to the explosives hallway, and so that area feels cramped. Also, Gaurdian was famous for the seemless clockwise, player movement. Since the Top Gold/Blue Room jump is no longer possible, the player movement is screwed up. Same thing with the double jump from Top Mid/S3. It is now a crouch jump that the player must concentrate on making, distracting him from the gameplay. A lower s3 would be of interest to you, so players can navigate easier. Please take into account these flaws when making the next versions of your map.
Great looking remake mate all i really want to ask is this, Why does everyone keep making them away from the lagoon, you know you would have had default walls on at least 2 sides of the map saving objects making it so you could spend more on detail and stuff like that, making it out in the open spends way to much budget/ object budget. Still its way better than any of the other Guardian remakes iv seen.