Alright, I'm SUPER pissed at Bungie right now. Firefight was one of the things I was looking forward to the most in Reach, and I must say, I've been disappointed. Now, don't get me wrong here. The new customization and maps are great, but there's one thing that Bungie changed from ODST that makes me want to rip my hair out. Here's what it is: In ODST, each round had different skulls on, right? But in Reach, you can only customize the skulls for the first 3 rounds. So what's that mean? It means your playing the same 3 ****ing rounds over and over again, set after set! I remember the good ol' days of ODST, playing Firefight for hours on end, each round offering a new experience. But not in Reach, nope. Bungie has pretty much ruined Firefight for me. What were they thinking? Why change something that's already perfect and turn it into something worse? *shoots self*
If you want more difficult stuff in firefight, customize it. I made a gametype where you would be lucky to survive a wave of skirmishers. To be released soon (once they add a firefight tag to custom content).
You're right! Without being able to edit the skulls for each round, my life has lost all meaning. Bungie, you assholes.
ROTFLMFAO very simple answer to a very difficult problem. But yeaH the people above me are right. All you have to do is customize you game to your likings. That way you won't get bored, or quit out because of the difficulty as well.
Yeah, but the game will only stay interesting for one set, considering the same 3 rounds repeat themselves over and over again.
^^^ you sir are very picky, was firefight really that big of a part of your life? If it bothers you that much then only put the 3 rounds and then reset and change them to something else. Try an all hunter set on legendary, bet you your gonna be busy for a while
successful troll is successful? I never liked firefight. The only reason Ill play firefight is to get the achievements by using IGNs achievement farming gametype.
You can turn on the other skulls. Plus, you can decide if you want it random or same. You clearly haven't found that option yet. Halo:Reach works well on giving the player lots of replay value.
... ... Did you NOT realise the unbelievable improvement to forge, the MULTIPLAYER, the CAMPAIGN. And you're looking forword to Firefight? Firefight was the last thing I played, I entered theater before I did Firefight. Firefight really isn't that spectacular, if you're that desperate for the ODST experience then just play ODST.
Are you talking about about how we can't play the "Classic" firefight in matchmaking or just the skulls, but without classic in MM It's all 5minute rush for points with unlimited lives, It would be good if they had a choice to play the Classic in MM trying to surivive as long as you can with bunch of people you never met before or a group of friends and probably a lot of cR depending how long you lasted would be FUN! the firefight options at the moment are a bit repetitive and easy and get boring.
thank you William I was just going to say that. Although I am 75% sure we will get that playlist soon
I also don't understand why Matchmaking's firefight gives you unlimited lives and a set time. Isn't the whole essence of firefight "Survive as long as you can"...
It still amazes me how much people will complain about an amazing game because of ONE thing they don't like. There were a few things I wanted from Reach that I didn't get, but hey.... I don't say peep about it. said in simplest terms. go play odst. have fun finding a foursome for that
This has to be the best answer, though I'm sure you'll miss Skirms and Elites and shiny Real HD graphics like me. I reccomend using all of the solutions you are getting. These guys obviously understand your point of view. Oh my... But it seems you've shot yourself... That might be a problem... This is quite the dilemma...
I actually really love the new firefight. I can never find anybody to play it with, but its really entertaining none-the-less. But i also am one of those few that prefer campaign over multiplayer, so i guess im oldschool