Wingman This outpost was since abandoned over fears of the structural integrity. FFA 2-6 Welcome, hubbers, to my first Reach Forge map. Wingman is a multi-leveled FFA map aimed for 2 to 6 players, filling the gap in Reach's launch maps. Currently, it supports FFA slayer only, but will work with any variation of FFA slayer you have. So, pictures! This is your initial loadout camera view. Here you can see the spire, which is a main chokepoint in the map. Here are the other two chokepoints in Wingman. Orange is a 2 leveled base with a man cannon. This is connected via one long alleyway to Purple, where the Needle Rifle spawns. This point is incredibly good for grenade bouncing, as the area is not as open. However, the multiple entrances leave it exposed to double teaming. This is the spire, where the Grenade Launcher (le Pipe de'la Pro) resides. This weapon is especially helpful in the enclosed areas. This is a view from the outpost, an area overlooking the spire. Complete with a spiral ramp and a DMR spawn, this outpost poses a tactical advantage, especially due to the line of sight across bottom orange. Another entrance to purple. Walkways around the edge of the map are effective means of travelling around undetected, but also present safe spawn locations and flank points. A birds-eye view. I wouldn't recommend getting that high, though. It's bad for your health. Now for some MANLY ACTION SHOTS! Disclaimer: Dancing doesn't help in gameplay. That tower gives you a nice shot at people on O/P bridge. Purple gets a bit of blue. Grenades help in the outpost. Getting beat on my own map was depressing.
nicley done katanga aka (mark) i helped with this map btw i put 1 spawn in for blue team yay me. also muzz's comment is epic
Map Gameplay BUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Added after 11 Days: Hey i played on your map and i have a few issues with it. The map doesn't need a sniper,rockets,fuel rod and laser,too many power weapons. And one of your reciever nodes doesn't work. It's a shame because the forging is good but so many problems to fix. One last thing, i'd remove the load out camera of that phrase you made because it's racist. That's all.