Is anyone else upset that you can't at least build around the waterfalls to have a nice divider in the middle of your map. I had so many maps planned incorporating the falls.
At first i was disappointed but there is logic in it by Bungie. They have done it because the water has no physics. it is just an animation. SO if you put an object in the way t falls through it and not bounce of it. It would be kind of stupid to have the waterfall going straight through the floor.
I was upset and I had many maps planned to use it but, meh what can you do, the above comment is the exact reason.
/sadface... I wanted to build around the waterfall, having it go through the map... but I guess it makes sense
When I first saw the falls it was disappointing, not because you can't build around it but rather the crappy physics of the animation. The water is falling at the same rate at the top as it is at the bottom!!! Its called acceleration Bungie... But either way, there are plenty more awesome places to build stuff.