New to forging...have a question.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by N3MESiS, Sep 18, 2010.

  1. N3MESiS

    N3MESiS Forerunner

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    As you guys can tell this is my first post. I went into Forge mode for the first time in Reach the other day. I have never used the one in Halo before. I got the hang of the controls pretty quick and am learning to do new things everyday. There is just one thing I wish to be able to do but can't figure it out. I don't think it's possible but I figured I'd ask here and find out if there are maybe some tricks or workarounds to do what I want. I tried a search but it didn't come up with any results relating to what I was looking for.

    Basically what I am trying to do is trim objects. Like delete part of an object that is protruding through the other side of another object.

    Ex: Say you place a building down. Then you add some stuff to the front of it to make it look nice. But when you go into the building, the rest of the object that you placed on the front of the building is protruding through into the room. Would there be any way to get rid of the unwanted part of the object without deleting the whole thing? I tried explaining as best as I could. Hopefully everyone can understand this.
  2. Crippled Hobo

    Crippled Hobo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Unfortunately, you are only able to have the whole object, or no object, it''s not actually possible to delete small pieces of it.
  3. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As far as I know, you cannot trim objects. You can partly phase them into the map, or other objects you spawn, however. To help with your problem, you can try and move the objects that are protruding inside farther out more.

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