Speed Element

Discussion in 'Reach Race Maps' started by TympanicMetal, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello fellow forgers, I'm back from a veeeeeery long time, and the only thing i want to show to you, is my brand new Race map called: SPEED ELEMENT.

    The Race.

    Primary weapon: Sword
    Secondary weapon: None
    Equipment: Unlimited Armor lock
    Vehicle: Mongoose
    Damage resistant: 2000%
    Track: Lap based (3 laps = 1 round) 3 rounds.
    Money: No money left.

    Additional info:

    This map conbines nature and metal to the next level. 1 lap takes about 2:20min. to complete, depending on your skill. My best lap time was around 2:00min. It drives very smoothly and......... ah what the hell let see some pictures!!!: (16 screenshots remaining)

    All pictures are in order of progress of the race, starting at the start, and ending at the finish:

















    Download and share with friends and family!!!

    EDIT: I reccomend putting warthogs at start and see what happends :p
    #1 TympanicMetal, Sep 16, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  2. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    My friend opened this map up, and we had a race. I have to say the bar has already been set very high. This racetrack is smooth, easy to navigate, and utterly gorgeous! The track is not only massively long, but also wide enough to overtake at any given opportunity. This map will not show its age fast, because the standard of it is just so high. A definite download for any race fans.
  3. DracoStraybyrn

    DracoStraybyrn Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was a pretty decent map but it felt clunky in a lot of spots and that made me sad.

    I loved the scenery though, so kudos.
  4. ULikeThatDontYa

    ULikeThatDontYa Forerunner

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    Woah! A very nicely merged track and probably the best I've seen. Nice work! The scenery around the track changes rapidly so you will never get bored looking at the generic Forerunner pieces. Downloaded, and I'm 100% sure this will be a great racetrack.
  5. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    Agree with the above posts. This race map is a lot of fun to play. I like the fact that there are alternate paths at some points. On one or two bends there are some risky short cuts which really adds to the tactical element of the race...do i play safe or do i risk dropping off the cliff?

    One slight negative: The last bend before the teleporter is not very clearly defined and players racing the map for the first time tend to crash into the death barrier.
  6. CheezeWiz

    CheezeWiz Forerunner

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    Amazing Map!

    Wow..... The racetrack is so amazing! Whats more amazing is you used to entire budget! lol. You totally put all that money to good use though. I think this has a chance to get featured...just me though!
  7. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah. I'll fix that haha.
  8. IHeadrush

    IHeadrush Forerunner

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    Downloading right now but I can tell it is already going to be an amazing race map from the screenshots.

    Looks Great.

    Its really fun I played with a few of my friends but I belive its like the 4th screenshot down you can drive off the cliff above to get a shortcut to that checkpoint.

    You could put a death barrier to fix it or another checkpoint at the corner.
    #8 IHeadrush, Sep 18, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2010
  9. PwnsauceAddict

    PwnsauceAddict Ancient
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    I tested it out and it was very veryyy long. I enjoyed going through it, and I loved the placements of the land mines, they were perfect. My only complaint is that in a few spots their are big bumps, but it didn't take away to much from my overall enjoyment. Nice race map, but if you make another one make it a bit smoother.
  10. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I actually found this through Reache's search feature lol then my friend told me it was actually posted on forge hub so i was like............i knew it.......lol

    literally nothing i think you should change about the map.
    it looks great.
    its really smooth
    its not super easy to navigate but at the same time not difficult at all
    i think its absolutely amazing.

    1st feature anyone?
  11. Goldman 01

    Goldman 01 Ancient
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    OK pics look cool, i am definitely looking forward but in my opinion i think you should have just made the game for the reach rac gametype cuz that is why they made it and it doesn't take up an extra download spot and it spawns you on ur mongoose, but just saying
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great! I love how clean and aesthetically appealing it is! AND how the scenery changes as you go through tunnels, ride up high, along the water. etc. etc.

    Definite download for me!

    P.S. I think you should add a youtube video featuring an epic race.
  13. jbarron402

    jbarron402 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I really like the track. There were some minor issues, but nothing no one should ever complain about. Not really issues, just could ave been better. I still say it is a 9 or 10. Nothing in particular that stands out above anything else, but the overall track is one of the best that I have seen. Finally good to see a really well forged racetrack among the mediocrity.
  14. TympanicMetal

    TympanicMetal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What the hell just happened to my pictures???
    Alright sorry guys.

    I'll guess i'm gonna make a Photobucket account now.

    EDIT: Why didn't i use Photobucket before, waaaaay faster XD.
    Ok but anyway, the pictures are fixed now :p.
    And they are in HD now :D.
    #14 TympanicMetal, Sep 23, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2010
  15. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    Speed Element


    Considering that Reach has nothing new in terms of Race (other than a built-in gametype) the bar is still set pretty high thanks to a few of the mind-blowing tracks we have burnt Mongoose rubber on for the past years. In Halo 3’s forge players relied heavily on glitches like save-and-quit and ghost merging that we now call fixing and phasing in Reach. This cuts the tedious work it takes to create a decent race map into eight pieces; Bungie ate seven of those pieces and the creator only has to eat one (I suddenly want pizza).
    Now that the creator has about an eighth of the work to do, great race maps should be shining face all over the place, right? Wrong! Just because forgers only have a little bit of tedium in creating these maps that one piece of work doesn’t say anything about how a map is designed, the layout, the visual appeal, etc., etc. because you see; though creators only have one piece of work to do they now have twelve boxes of content, and sadly amongst the plethora of race maps that have come out very few of them actually take full advantage of the near limitless opportunities that Forge World gives its players. However, among those race maps whose bumpy roads and ninety degree turns causing players to submit to rage, frustration, and straight-up boredom there is Speed Element.
    Speed Element stands out as one of the more definitive race maps on Forge Hub because, well, for starters it’s actually enjoyable and though it is simplistic in terms of how the track is built, the layout is still competitive and fun. One of the big downfalls of Speed Element is something I fear will plague many more race tracks to come: Vehicle Teleporters completing circuits. This is the lazy man’s way to finish a circuit, and it distracts from the overall flow and enjoyment of the map.

    Enjoyment: [​IMG]


    Balance wise, Speed Element has very little variation in how the track runs. This being said, there are two split paths within the track that differ very little and really have no advantage over one another. The only complaint I ever had the pleasure of being screamed into my headphones was that the mines on the beach were too in the way.
    Now, there are a couple subtle shortcuts that may or may not have been intended by the creator of this map, but until all the racers find them, someone seemingly randomly getting in front of someone can be rather frustrating. Either way, eventually, all the racers become aware of the cuts and make thorough use of them. This does not deter from the fact that for the first couple of laps at least, whoever has played the map before has a gradual advantage over a newcomer.

    Balance: [​IMG]


    Thanks to the clever use of death barriers at various junctions and the uncheatable nature of Reach’s new race variant this map (and most to come) is inescapable. One of the many gifts bestowed to Reach forgers. However, at certain points of the track where it is a little hard to tell where the bounds of the track are it can be rather angering whenever a player randomly dies when it appears they may actually be on the track. The prime example of this is the section at the very end where the bound of the track is only defined by floating (easily missed) arrow shaped blocks. Replacing these blocks with actual railing and/or changing the instant death barriers to soft kill barriers would have easily solved this issue.

    Other than that minor flaw, Speed Element is indestructible. Plus the natural flow of the map highly discourages anyone from even trying to break the map.

    Durability: [​IMG]


    Speed Element’s roads span a lot of Forge World’s gracious planes and naturalistic environments. What is definitely appreciable about this track is that it flows so smoothly between the placed structures and the natural geometry. The random structures about the track add a nice element of realism to the map and also help racers know about where they are in the track. These structures at the same time don’t feel or look awkward and have no direct effect on the actual track itself which equates to pure aesthetic quality. It is safe to say that Speed Element definitely looks good, but it is not without its shortcomings in the area of beauty. An unappealing amount of z-fighting plaques many areas of the map, and with the coordinate editing it’s easy to make short work of an otherwise tedious task of aligning things up, but running through the map and making tiny movements on pieces with z-fighting would fix that problem. Also, at times some of the structures or extensions of the tracks that weren’t necessarily supposed to be traversed on people would believe was part of the map and meet their ignorant demise. This goes back to what I stated before with the bounds of the track not being especially clear in a few areas. The solution: add rails, add more definitive barriers.

    Aesthetics: [​IMG]


    Speed Element is a simplistic run about the landscape of Forge World. Being one of the first race tracks to be posted it’s arguably the first of its kind. However, there really isn’t anything about this race track that separates Speed Element from anything that could have been done in Halo 3 sans the sheer size and vehicle teleporter.

    There is so much potential in Halo: Reach’s Forge mode and Speed Element did not tap into that well of power much at all.
    Simply put: Speed Element is simple, fun, but not original.

    Originality: [​IMG]



    Avg. Score: 6.4/10

    Final Score:


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