Hi All This is my first post & forge attempt so i look forward to your response!, I have decided to remake The Longest yard from Quake 3 (You might all be familiar with this map). I have thoroughly tested this over XboxLive with a group of friends and all glitches and bugs have been amended so here i give you The Longest yard (Screenshots!) Hi This is a faced paced map with quick re-spawns. Its great fun and hope hope those of you that might play it will enjoy. This has been remade with alot of respect as this map took away many many happy hour from alot of us . I will accept any and all feedback and advice on this project, I will also happily help anyone who has any questions. Download Link has been included. Thanks & Regards Joe
Screen shots supplied apologies for being lazy Thanks & Regards Joe Hey Guys n Gals Thanks for taking such an interest in my map, If you have any idea's how i might improve it or any feedback please let me know. Thanks & Regards Joe
Hey There, Average Joe! I've given the map a run through, and i have to say, i like how resourceful you were with the building blocks. However a great deal of the weapon placements, explosive barrels, and spawn locations make for a very chaotic and uncompetitive environment. I was wondering if you'd be okay with me reusing your geometry and fixing the map for a more fair experience towards both teams, would you be okay with that?
I like the map, but I feel it strays too far from the original for my liking. Also, I kinda agree with Vicious. Still, it's a fun map to play on so kudos for that :]
Ya, it seems as though Forge is one mancannon short of The Longest Yard, xD but you can move the one at the rail gun spawn so it drops you off right in that middle platform. I don't remember to well but i thought the jumps in Quake sent you back to the upper platform. Personally i think i'd just plain edit a bunch of little things to make for a more compelling experience, but it'd stray even further away. Like adding two tp entrances to the bottom middle so people can choose which base to pop out of more fairly, and nit picks like that. I'd honestly like to forget together sometime and offer up suggestions
Its easy enough to make remakes of Halo maps, but from other games, you can't make it verbatim or the gameplay is all wrong. Doesn't take much to tweak though. Liking the aesthetic.
Loved Q3A. This looks like a lot of fun with Rockets and armor abilities. Thanks for the map. Would also love to see UT's Facing Worlds as well, if anyone is so inclined.
Thanks for your Feedback and support Hi All Thanks for testing the map it seems to be gaining popularity by the hour . For anyone looking to make changes by all means change the game types and the placement of the weapons but, Please leave the geometry of the map as this is my interpretation of The Longest Yard. I agree i wish i could have made all the jump pads as they where in the original but alas this was not to be, I tried to compensate with teleporters while keeping it random so you dont get reduced to giblets everytime you use one cos the other guys know exactly where you are going (if you get me). This was really in the end just a test to get the hang of forge as i had not used it in halo 3. This is an amazing piece of kit and the maps you guys have been coming up with are fantastic. I cant wait for a few months time to see was some more exp brings us. I appreciate your feedback and i will take it into future maps. my next one is an original and will be posted shortly. Two worlds has been created already i belive ill see if i can find it again and link you to it. Excuse the typos this reply was a bit rushed . All the best Joe