Blaze's warm up arena v2 update You guys have seen it before in halo 3. BR dome, Gladiator, whatever you want to call it. Well here it is, a 1v1 dmr or needle rifle warm up map. How it's works, if you don't know. 2 people spawn in the areana to battle it out while other spectate, after one if dead the round will end and move on to other people in the game. Gametype is required!!! Map: Gametype: : Halo Reach : File Details
I will use it as an AR warm up dome. But on a more serious note, you really could at least use some action shots as well as other screens in your post. One question about the map. What are the teleporters for?
I'm not sure why you'd need to warm up your AR, but you can sure do that if you'd like. There is really no need for any other screens because theres not much more to see its just a symmetrical box but I'll get some. For the action shot, its just dmr fights nothing special. The teleporters are just for aesthetics. You can't jump into them.
Eh, problem. I'm pretty sure that you can shoot through the blue side of one way shield doors, or at least I'm pretty sure. However, I'll download and test out this theory instead of making claims which could prove to be false.
Hey, I downloaded this map yesterday and tried it out with 2 friends. It worked at first as they battled it out and I was in the observation box. One of the died and the round ended, so it switched me out with the guy that won, then it never let him play again, just kept him in the box for 10 rounds, then we went ahead a quit. Just a heads up.
Thank you, though I'm pretty sure you can't I was shooting at the observers after I won a few times and it only sometimes hit there gun I think. but let me know incase you text it out before I get the chance. It's all random, there really isn't a way to make sure people get to play. :/ I think it may have to do with connection, as if there start spawns had a better chance if the connection is faster. I'd just recommend playing it 1v1 if it gets annoying. I'd fix it if I could. Thank you for playing the map though. I apriciate the download and the feedback from both of you.
Version 2 uploaded. updates: New picture for the post Cleaned up some sloppy areas Straihgtened and highered spawns Added missing load out cameras
Really enjoying 1v1ing on this map, I'm horrible with the DMR so this is pretty helpful for warming-up my aim and practising with a friend. Thanks for the map