Hey everyone. I'm currently working on my first map in Halo Reach. I am not finished, but I have the basic stuff down. I just wanted to know if any of you guys would be willing to download it and give me some advice on how to improve my map and my map making abilities. Forge is one thing I really want to get better at. My tag is xX Elite Xx (The L is an i), and the map is currently called Insomnia on my fileshare. Thanks everyone and hopefully you'll see my maps up soon. http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=320650&player=xX EIite Xx
Many more people will give you feedback if you post pictures and a download link. Otherwise most people will not take the time to look at this while they are busy building their own maps.
Theres the link to the map, but I currently don't have any pictures. If anyones willing to DL it and give me some advice it'd be much appreciated. Thanks guys.
will you be on in 30-35 minutes i would be willing to hop into forge with you, the lonliness of my solo forge worlding is starting to get depressing LOL
Sorry Rob, wasn't on when you posted that. I will be on tonight around 9 central though if your up for some forging. Just add me and send me a message.
I had a quick look around and although not having played a game or anything I do have a few suggestions. Firstly the sword spawn area not tall enough. It'll lead to a lot of frustrating situations being that avoiding grenades will be dreadfully hard and it'll be hard to attack as there's very limited access to the structure. The 1x1 block in front of the sword doesn't seem to have much significance. If it's for cover, it does close to nothing as it's too short to crouch behind. If it's to prevent lunging with the sword, again it doesn't seem like it'd be of much use. Moving it up wouldn't be wise as well as you'd be giving the sword bearer way too much cover. If the whole ceiling of that area was taller I think it'd lend itself to smoother gameplay, or even if it were gone altogether but still with the pillars. Again, I haven't played it but this is just my assumption based on experience. This is nothing major, but probably 3 times out of 10, the grav lift didn't work properly. One last thing; the weapons. Their spawns are way too low 30 seconds on both a sword and shotgun (with 2 clips) as well as the sniper. This'll mean that you'll always have an overpowered close range weapon in circulation and I think with the way the whole back end is set up will lead to an immense amount of camping. It seems as if it'll play as a race to the shotty or sword then a struggle to regain control to whomever doesn't get there first. Unless this is what you intended, then by all means test it to see if it works but this is just what I believe will happen. There's probably more that I missed but this is on a short forgethrough. Otherwise, I do like the design and layout and there seems to be plenty of cover. If anything else, perhaps a few small objects blocking a little more of the line of sight. The centerpiece is very nice, quite elegant. Best of luck with testing and finishing it, I hope it does well; I think it could work really well with the appropriate alterations.