
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by jake t3h snake, Sep 16, 2010.

  1. jake t3h snake

    jake t3h snake Forerunner

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    This is a map I made somewhat quickly called Crossroads, simply because everything meets up somewhere here but splits off quickly. It is a small asymetrical map utilized for slayer. This is my first halo reach map so it is not the greatest but I hope you all enjoy!


    This is an overview of my map showing off the blue base to the left and the "nature pit" on the right.


    This is a photo of blue base where there are many entrances including the roof, underground, and 2 doorways on midlevel. There is also a DMR and Shotgun located here.


    This is the nature pit as i call it. In it are rockets and a concussion rifle. There is also a secret little corridor leading up to the middle of the map


    This is the center of the map with a 3 story building and little center piece.


    This is the red base spawn which has the same weapons as blue and is a little more open. The man cannon launches you to the center of the map while the left path can take you to blue base.


    This shows the man cannon launch to the center of the map. Once again you can see the red base.


    This shows the underground entrance to blue base, and the launcher to the nature pit.


    This is one final overview of the map. Feel free to edit the spawns and weapons since I am not too good with that stuff. Hope you enjoy my first map! Please leave some feedback below! Thank!
    #1 jake t3h snake, Sep 16, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  2. DarkFalcon

    DarkFalcon Ancient
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    Ok, first things first. I really like th overall feel of the map. It's not overally crowded but not too bare ethier. From waht I can from the pictures it good for DMR's, Elite slayer, SWAT etc. Now onw thing I'm worried about is the use of jetpacks on here. Have you tested the gameplay of jetpacks and othe armour abilities? I really do think that you could have made more of your own buildings instead of using the pre made ones. So I'll dl and play with some friends.
  3. jake t3h snake

    jake t3h snake Forerunner

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    I have not had a chance to test it out with any friends but the armor abilities are like so.

    Armor Lock-Basically can be helpful on how you use it I guess. The rockets on this map can make it useful.

    Sprint-This is probably the most useless unless your running for weapons at the start because this is a very small map and there are many tight corners.

    Evade-Can be very helpful to get around that corner really quick.

    Hologram-My personal favorite on this map. There are many long corridors and little roads so holograms can prove useful to see where people are at in buildings surronding you.

    Jetpack-I have yet to make death barriers simply because I can't figure them out. Once I do I will update this map. Everywhere on this map is supposed to be accesible already so thats not a problem but the problem is getting under the map.

    Drop Shield-Once again this depends on how you use it

    Active Camo-This map can be very good with active camo because there are lots of Close Quarter Combat areas

    I think that's all of them. Like I said this is my first map and I'm not the best forger yet so I used more premade buildings but nexttime when I make a more open map thats bigger I will use my own buildings. Thanks you for replying and giving feedback!
  4. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    This is really good for a first attempt, jake t3h snake. Your post is well done (though I'd include a comprehensive weapon list somewhere, not just locations!) and the pictures do a good job of showing off your geometry. I've got three little things, though, that I'm not a huge fan of.

    First, the nature circle is disturbingly like Ascension's radar-thingy. You may have been going for that, or just trying to recreate the feel, but it hurts the map's originality and makes it feel a bit more like a copycat. The nature circle isn't a bad idea, but my suggestion would be to make the three long slants (antennae?) something more Forged, rather than reusing the Ascension geometry.

    Secondly, there's a large open space in the second picture (under the blue ball/light) that seems pretty useless...I mean, I'm glad you put up sandbags and walls to bounce 'nades off of, but overall that part of the map seems a bit unusable: it's flat and open, yet so low you couldn't do much accuracy-wise from it. Maybe vary up the terrain a bit, there?

    Lastly, some of the geometry feels...cobbled together. I like that you're creating your own pathways, ramps, etc., but I recommend trying to create something that looks and interacts so well, other players will ask which piece it is in the Forge Object List. This constructive criticism isn't vital, but it can be the difference between a good map and a great map...make it look like it BELONGS in Matchmaking!

    Cheers, man...very nice first Forgery, overall. =)

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