Energy Bridge Investigation

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Stevo, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Not sure if any of you were in the Lolbox yesterday, but I was talking to various people about making "Energy Bridges".

    Now I'm sure you've all seen the new 'One-Way Barriers' at 3 different sizes. As soon as I saw these I was like "OMGWTFENERGYBRIDGEFTW!" but yeah, that failed as it's more like an energy trampoline.

    I spent a good couple of hours yesterday trying to reduce the bounce these barriers create. I've found that placing one bouncy side up (red) 0.1 below the surface of your general terrain, then a Blue side up one merged inside that one (0.1) then place another bouncy side up one 0.1 below those two, and finally a third bouncy side up one 0.1 below that one.

    So if you were creating a "bridge" at 10.0 height. You'd have your barriers placed at 9.9, 9.9, 9.8, 9.7

    Sadly, this doesn't remove all aspects of bouncing. It just accellerates the bounce produced by the bridge and minimises the height gained off the bounce. Occasionally, you can "walk" accross the bridge in one smooth bounce, othertimes it makes you bounce like 8 times (this is on the medium sized barriers).

    If anyone has any other insights on how it might be possible to reduce the bounce further, post anything related in here.
  2. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    Forgive me if this is off-topic, but there is a train of thought here. I'm assuming you want this bridge for the purpose of vehicles only being able to cross. If this is the case, you 'could' just make a regular bridge, and set a teleporter over it so that it captures foot soldiers but not vehicles.

    Or, if you're just going for the awesomeness of an energy bridge...... sorry, not much help here.
  3. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    Thats a bummer steve... there'll be some way to counter the bounce, I WILL FIND IT IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO.

    For now I'm just thinking in terms of shield doors but we may have to accept the fact that it can't be done without solid objects in the vinicty, we'll see.
  4. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What about if you place one blue side up then another red side up 0.1 above the blue side one:
    ^Like that, dashed = blue side up, red = red side up.
  5. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That's tempremental. It occasionally gives you the bounce as if you're not there, and occasionally it forces you underneath the red barrier so you're like hovering but 0.5 below the surface of normal terrain so you can't get out.

    I accidently found a way to entirely remove the effects of the barriers at one point. Although, it doesnt really help because you can't stand on them lol... but you don't bounce so it's progress right? ;)

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