Need Players to Test a Map.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Spl1nt3rC3ll, Sep 17, 2010.

  1. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    I've made a map that I've been thinking about ever since I learned about the forge features in Reach. However, this map requires a large party, and none of my friends have Reach yet. I would greatly appreciate it if you would test the map out with a large party for me and give me some feedback.

    Exodus : Halo Reach : File Details
    Run the gauntlet through heavy fire to escape through the cave.

    Gauntlet. : Halo Reach : File Details
    Make it out alive.

    Here's the lowdown. One team spawns in a warthog hanger. This team must use the "redshirt" class. The redshirts must race their warthog through heavy weapons fire and escape to the opposite side of the canyon. The defending team has the upper ground and the upper hand. They are equipped with Fuel Rods and Rocket Launchers with "bottomless cup" ammo. They must stop the warthogs from capturing the territory.

    Clear as mud? It will make more sense once you see the map.

    There are a few honor rules:

    1st: I couldn't figure out how to make the attackers have one loadout and the defenders a separate. If you spawn in the warthog hanger, DO NOT select the "Security" class! Choose "Redshirt."

    2nd: Setting up territories isn't as easy as Halo 3. I couldn't figure out how to designate a team as defender and attacker. Hopefully, red is attacker and blue is defender. If you hear "offense," select "redshirts." If you hear "defense," select "Security." Hopefully, the red team should race across the canyon to a territory located in the cave. This territory takes 1 second to capture, and there is 1 point to win.

    3rd. Defenders cannot be on ground level, i.e on the same level as the warthogs.

    I would love any and all feedback.
  2. MX 957

    MX 957 Forerunner

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    Put kill zones underneath where the defenders are supposed to be.
  3. oberlin

    oberlin Ancient
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    Not having played this yet, this may be a dumb comment,but it sounds very defensive-biased. With a bottomless clip, 2 or 3 defenders with Rocket Launchers could easily shut down, I'd say, about 6 vehicles on the offense easily. Try experimenting with weapon damage traits (assuming the objective is to destroy the vehicles, not knock them off of the track) or possibly remove the bottomless clip, but provide a custom powerup that allows bottomless clip for 15-30 seconds or so.

    About your class situation- Why is it imperative that the offense choose 'Redshirt'? Is it so they don't have access to the Fuel Rod/Rocket Launcher? If so, you could set the offense's damage to 0%, or set the defense to invulnerable.

    Again, since I've not played the gametype or seen the map, these are just general ideas, some might not work for your game.
  4. Mista Skittles

    Mista Skittles Ancient
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    GT: DynamicDonald
  5. Spl1nt3rC3ll

    Spl1nt3rC3ll Forerunner

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    I wasn't sure if the rocket launchers locked on in multiplayer or not. If they do lock on and prove to be too difficult, I'll make it fuel rod only. The whole point of the map is to attempt to run through a heavy barrage of fire and make it out alive, aka "running the gauntlet." Also, having never been able to test it, I can't tell how much weapon damage is needed. The goal is to destroy the vehicles as there is no track, just the canyon.

    "Redshirts" have drop shields so that they can temporarily protect their hog if they flip. "Security" has jetpacks to make moving around the map faster and easier.
    #5 Spl1nt3rC3ll, Sep 17, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2010
  6. Evrito

    Evrito Forerunner

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    GT: fasteddie304

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