if u turn the purple FX lighting on and the pen and ink you can see skulls all over the forge world like on the mountians n stuff its crazy and idk if im the first one to find this out or not - i think i'm the first one to find it but idk Pictures Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details &player=DAI%20TOU%20ZAI Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details &player=DAI%20TOU%20ZAI Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details &player=DAI%20TOU%20ZAI
Ehh, I only see it in number one. I think it;s more of a fluke than an easter egg. Also, please embed your pics, it's not necessary for non-map posts, but it makes it a lot easier on the other members.
thats cool, but just for future reference you might want to embed pictures for people's convenience. you can do this following this guide: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-3-custom-content/102630-how-post-pictures-right-way.html but yeah the skull mountains and things are interesting. although, the second one reminds me of a slime monster and the third... im not sure if they meant to do that.
You can see the one near the Acension pillar without FX on, and even then you've really gotta stare at it. If Forgeworld has any easter eggs, I doubt this is one of them.
Agreed, its possible to see them. On the ring, without the FX, Im sure its not a skull. Its smiling wide open I believe, possible ling ling's head? I cant see anything on your second picture. A lot of people noticed the first skull with out the FX before. No need to post a thread bro.