Hello all. This is my Halo Reach remake of Warlock from Halo 2 and Wizard from Halo:CE. Items are in the correct locations with the correct spawn times and i tried my best to make it as close to the original as possible, within the given boundaries obviously. The majority of the map was created from memory and i think you will agree i did a pretty good job. Ideal for free for all gametypes with 2 -8 players. here is the post on b.net: Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : Warlock Remake and here is the link to the file: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details Here are some screenshots: Cheers
not yet, me and a friend are working together at doing it, i will release a version which supports more gametypes in the next few days.
Nice job man! I was working on a Wizard remake of my own, and I must say yours makes mine look like a pile of crap lol. Definitely going to check this map out.
Heyyy look what i found! a map! its amazing. very close to the original and i like it. ill be sure to give it a dl. Guys. dont be puttin maps like these on the last page.. noobs.