Eye in the Sky

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by link51, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. link51

    link51 Ancient
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    Hey all, it's been quite some time since I posted a map and I figured with the release of Reach I'd get back into it. Eye in the Sky is the map I made while learning the new forge controls, I must say I personally LOVE the cordinates system they have now. Now to the map information(as thats what we all love right?)

    Eye in the Sky is currently designed as a slayer/team slayer map. I have future intentions of adding in neutral games, such as one-flag CTF ect. This map is designed above Forgeworld, and if you decide you might take a trip out of the map, be warned you will die with the new kill zones implemented into forge.

    Plan on playing games of 2-8 players, it's a fairly big map, but if you go to much above 8 players(and I've only tested with 4) it could get very crouded. Every aspect of the map is designed to give each team equal weapons ect. And I will tell you all now, there is a Gravity Hammer and a Sword on the map, both of which you need the jetpack to get to.

    Full Weapon List:
    ~1x Sword(need jetpack to get)
    ~1x Gravity Hammer(need jetpack to get)
    ~1x DMR
    ~1x Needle Rifle
    ~2x Shotgun
    ~1x Focus Rifle
    ~1x Sniper Rifle
    ~1x Spartan Laser
    ~1x Mounted Machinegun
    ~1x Plasma Turret
    ~4x Plasma Grenades

    ~2x Jetpack
    ~2x Sprint
    ~2x Dropshield
    ~2x Banshee

    Heres some screenshots:

    Overview(top-down) of the map:


    The center of the map:


    Side Building on Each side:


    End of each side of the map(each side does have a Banshee)


    Below the end Buildings - leads to teleporters and center of map:


    As always, I accept any criticism and/or sugestions you may have. If you care to test it out with me sometime in a bigger-scale battle(say 10-12) look me up on live - newbpwner92.
    #1 link51, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  2. II6clique jxIxj

    II6clique jxIxj Ancient
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    Alright, this map is pretty good. Here are my thoughts. It needs a weapons list. The bridges are too long, you will get stuck on the bridge when a frag comes your way or since it is a skinny space people like to stay on bridges for as short of a span of time as possible. They just want it as a path of travel and they like to have multiple decisions available to them when fighting, as to how they are going to escape, which the options are very limited on a bridge. So if you make a version two, shorten some of the bridges up a bit and add more routes from place to place with a bit more cover, so that they can dart from place to place safely. Cover can be something as simple as a single wall added to an inside guard rail. Other than those, I personally think this is pretty good and I would like to see more from you soon!
  3. link51

    link51 Ancient
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    The weapons list for this map I can add, I just have to load the map up and figure out the names of some of the new guns. As to the bridge issues, I can see where you're coming from, although I believe the bridges need to be the XL one's to have the distance needed to fit everything in below ect. I'll definatly look into it though.
  4. thecairocat

    thecairocat Ancient
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    Banshees on this map don't seem right. I don't want to give heavy criticism without downloading but from the pictures this is akin do a Guardian-y or Narrows-y playspace and IMO Banshees would ruin it.
  5. Dragull

    Dragull Ancient
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    I'll give you an idea, pick one that piece that you used to make the bases, flip it and put on the top of the base, this way you will have a closed base, much better.

    Now, I didn't really like the weapons on the map, I would go for something like:
    2x snipers (one for each team)
    1x Rocket launcher
    1x Sword
    2x Concussion Rifle, because this weapon rocks.
    2x NR
    2x Needlers
    2x DMRs
  6. link51

    link51 Ancient
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    I will say the Banshee's from the testing I've done, are not all to powerful. For one unless somebody's out in the open top area, the Banshee has trouble getting to them. And two, 3 sniper rounds kills a Banshee - why I have no idea but the Banshees are MUCH weeker in Reach than they were in halo 3.

    As per the weapons on the map, I wanted to go with a Covenant/Human side to things, but then balancing became an issue, hence the shotgun on the Covenant side. Some things are out of balance now I do agree(Focus rifle = WAY to overpowered comapred to the human sniper IMO, but I wanted to keep with the theme). I'll probally end up changing the weapons around in a future version to balance it out a little more. This map was literally something I threw together in 2 hours while my roommate was sleeping.

    Definatly appreciate the feedback though.
  7. Halacar

    Halacar Ancient
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    Ehh, there are a lot of bottle necks, like the one in front of the base where it converges into that semi-circular bunker. And it always comes off as lazy to me when people use the pre-built base but w/e...

    I do like the center design though. But shorten the bridges and put more cover on them. Not a lot, but some.

    I'd love to test it out sometime, 'cuz I'm sure it plays better than it looks.
    GT: Slapn BKs

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