D-Day 1944 [beta]

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by ReFLeX ch33f, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. ReFLeX ch33f

    ReFLeX ch33f Forerunner

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    D-Day 1944

    Well, I've just finished my first map I made in Halo Reach. Obviously, by looking at the title, you can tell that it is a 'Storm the Beach' map. You can have a total and recommended 16 players. 4 in machinegun bunkers, tearing up and defending the beach, and the other 12 storming up. There are pieces of cover lined along the beach and grass to take cover behind.

    It uses a custom Territories gametype. The defenders (red team) need to defend a single territory flag, and the attackers (blue team) need to move all the way up the beach to capture it. It has a one second capture time, and as soon as they take it they win the round, scoring 1 point. If the defenders can defend it for a full 5 minutes, they win the round and score a point. First to 5 points wins.


    Attackers' spawn (4 total landing craft, each boat can spawn 3 people):

    The defenders. 4 available machineguns; 2 bunkers (only 1 shown in picture).
    Territory flag is located lower down in picture.

    Two views of the beach and grass, which the attackers move up:


    When you get hit, you die instantly. This works fine though, as the machineguns aren't very accurate. Both teams spawn with a magnum/pistol, with little ammo. This gives the attackers the chance to try to kill a machinegunner when they get close enough, giving them a second or two to move up more before the machinegunner respawns. I've tried, and the actual turret acts as quite a decent shield for the gunner, so this won't happen often.

    There are no armour abilities. This was world war II, and soldiers weren't flying around with jetpacks. I tested the 'Sprint', and it makes you move too fast. Once again, be careful, as you can die in one hit. (No shields, 10% health. I've tested and it seems to work well).

    If you look at the second picture, you can see that it is possible for the defenders to jump out of their bunkers and down to the soldiers on the beach. Don't worry, any defender who tries this will be rewarded with a suicide and 20 second respawn.

    When you have a full lobby, keep in mind that only a maximum of four people can be on red team (defenders) at once. If there are more than four, it will screw up the spawning, and there are only four turrets anyway. You'll be able to balance it out yourselves. (e.g. if you have eight players, put 2 on red and 6 on blue). I'd advise you have at least 8 players, or it can get quite boring and frustrating for both sides.

    One more thing: keep in mind that this is pretty much just a beta version, because I haven't had time yet to do multiple tests with 16 players. I'll fix what you tell me in the comments. Thanks!

    Download map: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

    Download gametype: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
    #1 ReFLeX ch33f, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
  2. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    I think this would look cool with an effect on, I can see orange, purple or next gen looking quite cool :) or a combo of two of those. /shrug

    I will DL this tomorrow and check it out :) untill then i will not hold further judgement.
  3. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    So, like under 12 players it would be a complete massacre, over 12 players it's a complete massacre with a very slim chance of success? It's a Machine Gun not a sniper like in The Iron Curtain Map from 3. And, atleast make the spawn points a safe spot.

    tl;dr, consider sniper instead of MG, if not lower the amount of MGs, and make the spawn boats a safe spot.
  4. ReFLeX ch33f

    ReFLeX ch33f Forerunner

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    If you do some research on the D-Day landings at Normandy during WWII, you'll see what the map's about. In fact, just search 'Saving Private Ryan: Omaha beach' on youtube. Soldiers literally did land with the landing craft's door opening facing the machinegun, and scrambled up the beach with little cover.
  5. The Pib

    The Pib Forerunner

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    Are you confusing realism with fun? Tens of thousands of people died on D-Day, it was basically a kamikaze charge for the first waves. Maybe it's worth it to save the world from Hitler, but not as part of a Halo game. You should give the attackers more of a chance.
  6. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Hedgehog spikes (http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/22/47722-050-45970EB9.jpg) could benefit this map both in the form of cover for the attackers, and aesthetics to make it look more like a D-Day landing. Also, I would recommend making the Higgins boats look more like Higgins boats. And you might want to make the bunker built into a rock cliff instead of just those colliseum walls that you used. The bunker looks like a huge boring wall as it is.
    #6 Sam, Sep 16, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  7. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    The first of many D-day maps... I'm sure. While this map is forged well, it has zero aesthetic appeal. The "landing craft" could at least look like something other than 4 walls. The bunkers could also at least look a little more camouflaged and blended in with the terrain and not like a huge wall... and not so high up. To me this just looks like a huge spawn raping map.
  8. ReFLeX ch33f

    ReFLeX ch33f Forerunner

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    Sam: What I've found is that forgeworld is actually quite limited in terms of aesthetics. I couldn't think of any way of creating the hedgehog spikes, which I agree would have made the map look way better. Most of the available objects for use are just huge blocks. I couldn't find any decent 'rock cliff' to build a bunker into, unless I built it on the side, which would give the machine gunners not much of a chance due to the attackers simply running out where the machineguns can't reach.

    The Pib: No, I'm not confusing reality with fun. In fact, I can tell you that there are a LOT of WWII and even modern war video games around today. Get your head out of your ass, and google "Call of Duty".

    I don't have time to sit all day every day at home in forge making everything absolutely perfectly placed. I created this forge map mostly to just test out the new features of forge world, and because I thought it would be a fun idea. My friends seemed to enjoy it.

    MAN, you guys are assholes o_o
  9. The Pib

    The Pib Forerunner

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    You can build your own rock cliff by phasing lots of sea stacks and big rock objects together, says the guy with his head in his ass.
  10. ReFLeX ch33f

    ReFLeX ch33f Forerunner

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    I tried. I could build 1/4th of it, then I ran out of rocks.
  11. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Then build is smaller, only partly out of rocks etc. etc.
    If you can't take criticism don't post here, if you're not going to spend time on your maps, don't post here, and in Games like Call of duty you don't spawn in boxes across from 4 insta-kill infinite ammo machine guns...
    That's real life, this is Halo, do you think D-Day was fun for soldiers? no.. do you think an overly realistic version of it in a video game would be fun? no. What makes War games fun is that you take a lot of the realities of war out of the picture. And plus I bet there would be atleast over 100 deaths until one person makes it, which was NOT how it was in the "real" D-Day.
  12. shadowlordxx

    shadowlordxx Forerunner

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    here i am going to heavily disagree with you. i am a ***** for aesthetics and i am currently building a futuristic rendition of D-Day with invasion gameplay and will hopefully have it posted by next week and the aesthetics on it take up probably half my budget.
  13. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    First off, these people aren't "assholes." They're fellow Forgers offering constructive criticism, which you should gladly take if you ever want your maps to be played. They're not here to bash your map, they're here to make it better, and they've got a POINT. Endlessly getting raped is not fun, period. No one who stormed Normandy looked back and said, "Gee, I'd like to try that again." That's because it was virtually hopeless. Chances were so slim is was borderline hysterical to even attempt it. There were two kind of people, remember? "Those who are dead and those who are going to die." Doesn't really sound to me like a mantra for "funnest time I've ever had."

    There's got to be more hope, or no one's going to want to play as the attackers, plain and simple. Offer tunnels, more cover, Armor Abilities (especially hologram!), ANYTHING that makes this more than just "perfectly historically accurate." The newsflash is that this will NEVER be perfectly accurate, as the machine guns are different, the cover is different, the Spartans are different sizes, there are no landmines, etc. Instead of attempting absolute historical perfection, go for historical INSPIRATION and instead make a fantastically fun map. I love the idea of storming the beach...every game with a decent mapmaker ends up having these, and they can be amazingly fun...but they have to have hope for the attackers, or people simply quit. If you asked ANYONE whether it was more fun to successfully storm a beach or get repeatedly spawn-killed without moving, I can guarantee what the answer will be.

    Also, consider using part wall, part rock to make the machine gun nests. Be more creative...you're a Forger!!!

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