Hey everyone! Hope you are enjoying the new Forge World in Reach, cause I sure am. Its been forever since I've made a map in Halo 3. I've been working on this map all day and this is the basic structure of it. Its not quite yet finished; still needs some touches here and there but consider this a rough draft. This map was insipred from the block like structures of the ancient Incan city of Machu Pichu that I saw in history class. At least, thats how it started. It slowly became much more complex. The layout looks pretty confusing from a distance but its not as daunting as it appears. The top of the mountain base. It has the advantage of the high ground but is lacking in defensive structures. I'm still messing with many other ways to make sure the top doesnt always have an advantage. The 2nd floor. Inside it a cave like room It was hard to get a good picture but this will do. In reality it has more cover inside that you can tell. The bottom floor. It has random cover strewn about and some holes that you can fall through. The back of the room is sloped. Among the many ways to climb the mountain is the lifts which shoot you up to the bridges. There is one on each side. Well thats it. I haven't put any weapons, spawns, or anything like that. I'd appreciate any feedback, be it positive or negative. Thanks.
Very very nice if you need some help with it just hit me up on xbox, my gt is Cupcakeeandp0rn there is a zero in p0rn
1. This map might be larger than you expect; it look like almost BTB scale 2. Getting up without a jetpack could be a problem despite the two gravlifts. Placing them less off to the side could improve flow by both allowing players to get up levels faster and reducing the risk of jumping down to take out an enemy.
Nah, I'm aware how big it is; its pretty massive. I considered leaving out the whole top part just to size it down but decided against that. With people sprinting and jetpacking around its not as big though. I wouldn't go as far as to say its BTB size anyways. When you are actually playing on it it feels and is a lot smaller. I like your idea for the grav lifts though, I'll take it into consideration.