All player die immediately at spawn repeatedly.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nebberz, Sep 15, 2010.

  1. Nebberz

    Nebberz Forerunner

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    So I have made a map on forge world.

    Everything seems to work fine if I test it inside of forge.

    As soon as I go to custom games, slayer and select the map I made.

    As soon as the player spawn they repeatedly keep dying (the game claims it is from fall damage)

    The spawn points are on the ground.

    I have one set of spawn points for team red, and a set for blue.

    I set the game to team slayer and the teams are red & blue.

    I picked Forge World: Hemorrhage. I deleted everything but the bunkers and was making some weapon rooms/team respawn points elsewhere on forge world.
  2. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Did you check if there were any kill volumes out? The default hemorrhage would use them to block off other areas of forge world, and they don't kill in forge, only custom.
  3. Nebberz

    Nebberz Forerunner

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    Thanks for the response.

    I did some further testing as it does appear to be a killzone.

    I put safe zones over my spawning points, and everywhere there is a safe zone. I can go and they do not die.

    Strangely enough though, I set a teleporter to go to the hemorrhage area, and he instantly died. It's as if the entire forge world is now a killzone!

    *edit/update* I forgot to mention that I am not an advanced forge user. In case that was not already obvious. I can usually find my way around forge though for most of the basic/intermediate stuff I think.

    *update 2*

    I created a soft kill, and a hard kill barrier...then selected delete all on both of them. There are now 32 available kill barriers. I suspect this is the full amount meaning the map should be clear of them...but I am still having the same issue. :/

    I did delete the safe zones bungie had set up in the canyon area...shouldn't have been too big of a deal since I deleted the all the kill zones as well.
    #3 Nebberz, Sep 15, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2010
  4. Nebberz

    Nebberz Forerunner

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    After hours of trial and error, I finally got somewhere. Although I have no understanding of what happened.

    After deleting everything one by one that I had added...the insta-dying everywhere finally stopped after I got rid of a safe zone I had created inside of a danger zone on the island. Umm....was this a glitch or am I just noob? I suppose both is even possible.

    That almost killed my excitement to make this map ~sigh~
  5. Nebberz

    Nebberz Forerunner

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    Well, if nothing else, I'm slowly starting to understand the safe zones.

    After more trial and error, I figure out that outside any hard safe zone, it's instant death.

    Outside of any soft safe zone and countdown starts.

    Or so I thought at least...

    I have 3 safe zones set up...1 near the Colosseum thing, one at the canyon, one on the island.

    The one on the island does not seem to be registering.

    Oddly enough...if I switch the one at the island with the one at the canyon. The new one at the island stops working. It's like the island has no interest in being safe...argh!

    This makes no sense to my poor halo reach forge noob brain!!!
  6. Nebberz

    Nebberz Forerunner

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    While you guys have all been sleeping...I've been answering all of my own questions! :p

    Of course it probably would have been quicker if someone had been available to just point out my silly reach forge noob mistakes. Oh well.

    In all my hours of trial and error, I apparently had reverted back to an old save where I had not deleted all of the kill zones.

    It seems one of the kill zones was overriding the safe zone at the island. Deleted all kill zones again, and all 3 safe zones appear to be working.

    That confused the hell out of me for way too many hours.

    So I believe I now understand:

    1. Safe zones are safe inside, but turn everything outside into kill zones.
    2. Kill Zones override safe zones.
    #6 Nebberz, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2010
  7. ffffrrrreeee

    ffffrrrreeee Forerunner

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    hey i am in forge world and have 2 safe zones at the middle and I KEEP DIEING help me please, btw i worked off of forge world-forge world help.

    oh can i add u?
    #7 ffffrrrreeee, Sep 17, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2011
  8. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You can only use 1 safe zone.

    If you use two safe zones, and you're not stood inside both of them, you'll die.
    You have 3 available safe zones. You place one hard kill around the entire area (and outside the area) and have a Soft Safe Zone, inside it. So when players leave the Soft Safe Zone, they're prompted to return to the battle field. If they continue and leave the Safe Zone, they will die instantly.

    If you have a safe zone on the map, and the respawn points are outside the map, you WILL die instantly and continuously.

    Instead of using Safe Zones, use Kill Boundaries until you've grasped the concept.

    Kill barriers - Kill everything that goes inside it
    Soft Kill - Kills everything inside it that exceeds 10 seconds.
    Safe Zone - Kills anything that leaves it (or spawns outside of it)
    Soft Safe - Kills things that have left it for more than 10 seconds.
  9. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Only if they are discontiguous does this make sense.

    Wrong, you have 5. (I am looking at them right now.)

    If a Safe Boundary is inside a Kill Boundary, then it is useless, as the Kill Boundary trumps the Safe Boundary. However, if you mean that a Kill Boundary is used as a border around the perimeter of a Safe Boundary, then then Kill Boundary is useless, as leaving a Safe Boundary has the same affect as entering a Kill Boundary.

    Also it must be pointed out that a Kill Boundary is not the best use when laterally traversing on a map, but should only be used when the player cannot return back to the playable area, for the purpose of speeding up the respawn cycle.

    only if there is no Safe Boundary - otherwise, the Soft Safe Boundary acts as a Safe Boundary and leaving any Safe Boundary or Soft Safe Boundary is instant death.

    or just use only Safe Boundaries to define the playable area.
    #9 MrGreenWithAGun, Sep 17, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2011
  10. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    lol, go away.

    I was trying to keep it simple. And i swear you only have 3 available safe areas.

    Also, everytime I've placed multiple safe areas on a map, I've always died if I left one of them. It never counted for me if I remained in another, which is why I just use kill barriers.

    And the soft safe - safe thing is just best practice in theory if there were no map to factor in. The further you leave the centre, you hit the soft warning before dying.

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