So.... After taking a look at all the options for both Rally and Race gametypes, I'm not seeing any possible way that we can do Rocket Race, as there's no option for team play. Any of you gametype gurus out there know a workaround for this? I might be deeply disappointed if it's not possible...
if you are in customs make a team be similar colours such as red and pink be one team just an idea...
Ya, we're pretty sure it's not possible. BTW, look at the "Race" paragraph on page 22 of your Halo: Reach manual
There are a few dissapointing flaws in Reach. They promised a user-friendly forging system. I prefer H3's forge due to its ease of placement and easy to get around menus. The coordinates are based on the center of the object which is confusing and hard to place. With lower than normal gravity, when you swap a weapon it floats. Where's Rocket Race? Why's it in the manual and why is there a picture of it, but no gametype on the game? There are preset soft kill zones and even more soft ceilings, making ForgeWorld less than what we expected... Pummels count as headshots sometimes. I hope there's an update soon... Like you, I'll be disappointed otherwise...
Talk for yourself BloodBender! I think Forge and Forge World are great! As for Rocket Race, it is in the manual and theres a picture on the Friends Tab of the free Reach theme but enabling teams is disabled...
I just got used to coordinates this morning. I love FW now! But I think RR can be made in territories, don't they have sequenced territories now?
I used the VIP game type a lot when making minigames. I don't know if its possible, but I hope they patch it in.
It's a possibility, but it would be MUCH simpler to implement as a Race variation. I liked it as VIP where you both had to get to the point to cap it (or you were hella slow on foot getting there), as Territories, you and your teammate could split up, both get gooses, and zip around.
Why not just implement the new rocket warthogs? Less things to set up in the gametype, you could also set it up as king of the hill/territories. I don't think race works with Rockethogs
Yeah, this was disappointing to me as well. The thing that got me was the fact that you can't switch teams on and off. I also think it's dumb that you don't have the option to on either race or rally. One more thing I was disappointed in was the fact that you can't race in other vehicles such as Revanents or even the new Rocket Hogs. Seriously, what the hell bungie? lol