I was going to call it "The Dome" but that's probably too common of a name. It's on the island just outside of the tunnel. It's pretty small. It's probably too small for 4v4 but I'm not sure yet.
It seems like you have a nice intricate design going on there, but i can't really tell because the pictures are showing up tiny for me. But it does look good so far, keep going
seems like its forged very well. it just seems to me from an aerial view like its too small try making it bigger.
Guys, just click on the pictures and you can see them bigger. I really like the that you used a more scenic area. I'm hoping it's bigger than the pictures make it look, because it seems really cramped. Could you take a picture with a Spartan in it, just for reference?
Click on the pictures. And the map looks pretty good. But as everyone (including you) said, it looks pretty darn small.
I just quickly put down some weapons and spawns. I don't really know how to place them well. Maybe someone ought to take a look at it?
I have to agree it just seems really small. Also I don't see any resemblance to a dome (I could be very wrong). Now I am not saying it is a bad map. On the contrary I like what you have done. i just think it should be larger is all. Also when can we expect a download link to pop up.