ZombieCity (With Reach Images)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Julenissen666, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
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    Its a zombie map and its going to be kinda like The City, So weapons will be hidden around the map and it will take some time before the zombies get to the city.
    Its currently only 3 building, but there will be more. The largest one has a second floor with 2 doors on each side.
    The second building with a roof has one door and two other ways to get inside(i forgot to take pictures of it, but i will upload more pictures). You have to croutch or use the dive ability to get inside the two other doors. there are 3 platforms inside the building where the humans can try to survive on.
    The third building (the one without a roof) has two doors. The first one is normal sized and the second one is a bit larger, but will have some crates that blocks it(zombies can smash the to the side).

    First floor on the largest building. the humans can take cover behind the cover to avoid the zombies swords. And they can climb up the wall behind them to get to the second floor, and they can look outside through the windows.

    Second floor on the largest building. Its a walkway up to one of the two doors. Its still work in progress and im thinking about making some rooms on the second floor.

    Here you can see that im trying to make a city and not just a bunch of blocks stocked up on eachother. Im trying to make it look like its a road with walkways on the sides.
    I have $8800 left on the budget so I can make alot of other buildings and stuff. Im thinking about making a park with grass so it doesnt look so boring.

    Im making this preview so that people can discuss new and creative ideas for the humans to survive and for the zombies to get inside the buildings and kill the humans.
    sorry for the horrible spelling...
  2. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
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    It would have been nice to see the city outdoors, with a soft kill zone acting as sort of an "infection zone". For one of the buildings a "roof drop-down" where you can't reach it from the inside would be a good idea. Regardless, what you have so far looks pretty well built. If you can pull this off just right I'm sure that this can be a fun game to play.

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