Since school is taking over tuesday for me, Is anyone going to the midnight launch. I got the $150 Dollar Legendary Edition of Halo:Reach. Sadly, I'm only gonna get about maybe 5-6 Hours on Reach. Which Means I won't be able to beat Halo:Reach for before a Hellish day of school on Wednesday. I would like to know if you guys are going to the midnight launch day and are you taking the day off of Work/School?
LOLWUT NO. The clerk seemed to look at me like ¬.¬ "You're not coming to the midnight launch?" as if he knew I was a halo nerd lol...
Not going to the midnight launch and not taking off school. I get home at 2:40 and I can easily stay up to 2-3 a.m. each night during the school week. Even though I really won't be playing it for the entire time I'm at home. Yet this, gives me at least 12 hours each day during the week, so I already have way more time to play it, which makes up for not staying home. Even though I could possibly stay home.
I would go to the midnight release, but I'm not allowed. And no way in hell am I allowed to skip school tomorrow. Oh well, I'll be playing as soon as I get home tomorrow AND listening to the new Linkin Park album which also comes out tomorrow.
Since I work for GameStop I so happen get to work the midnight launch event... I also get to have my Halo Reach Legendary Edition almost for free since I won against a bet with my boss. I also asked the next few days off work for Reach which the downside of all this is that I'm going out of town Thursday so I won't have a whole lot of time to play. :/ Oh well, ****ing Halo Reach is so close! I had to have some serious will power since we've had Halo Reach in our back room for the past week or so...
I'm going to be watching Whose Line tonight at midnight from the comfort of my bed, as I wait for Reach to arrive from Amazon Tuesday.
I'm heading to the midnight launch alright. My college schedule is only MWF, so I have all tomorrow off, and then I get out at twelve on Wednesday. I'll be playing during that time. I'll take a break on Thursday when my girlfriend comes over, that way she gets the illusion that I love her more than Halo XD
Don't have school or work or any other distractions. Heading out at 10pm and playing Reach until I fall asleep.
I'm dropping out of school just so I can play Reach. LOL imagine. But seriously I have school and I don't want to **** up my sleeping schedule just to buy a game that I'm not going to be able to play until the next day anyways.
No I don't plan on skipping nor do I want to screw my sleep up by going to midnight launch. I'll just wait till after school tomorrow like a good boy, I need to get a haircut anyways. Not that big of a deal
Omg! yea i have school too so don't feel bad. I'm probably going to the midnight launch to get a copy. Then, I'm going to come home and play until i have to get ready for school After that, I'm going to do it all over again
I am going to the midnight release. I am getting it, sleeping, and waking up early to play it after only 4 hours of sleep. (Yes I am crazy. Crazy for Reach) Sadly, I am not going to stay home to play. SOmehow rumor got around school that my dad let me stay home a day to play the beta (No I told no one) And now they all expect me to do it for reach, which might cause some unrest between my el parentos and the school. When I get home it will be worth it though cuz I will do homework in a flash and play it all day!
There is no way i hell I'm going to Midnight release, never the less skip school. But as soon I get home it's Reach all day.... and perhaps all night.