Okay, so we all know that Invasion is forgeable (yay!). Someone on neogaf already stated that although it is forgeable, it's pretty complicated. In the OP I will place all the relevant information about Invasion. In the mean time people can ask questions for their Invasion maps. Below some questions that I will anwser tomorrow. Q: Which types of gameplay can be used in Invasion? A: Territories, CTF (capture the core) - more will be added (hopefully) Q: Is it possible to spawn objects (e.g. an entire base) when a new phase starts? A:... Q: Can we use objects as objectives (e.g. a Warthog that is a territorie so the Elites must capture the hog)? A:... If you have any questions for the OP I'll try to answer them all!
Just out of curiosity... what makes you the oracle of Invasion? Are you a Bungie employee or have a direct connection to one? I don't know about you guys, but if I have questions about setting up a game type, I'm going to a guide that Bungie will most likely provide in the near future or Bungie.net to get my answers.
I'm not. But it makes sense to have one central thread about all the questions regarding Invasion. The reason I'm starting it is because the first thing I will forge is an Invasion map.
I'm really looking forward to the Invasion maps made by the community. Although I enjoyed Boneyard and Spire looks really cool, I think that with enough options there will appear some insane invasion maps.
No one on Forgehub has Halo Reach already? I really hope we can spawn/despawn objects and weapons based on phases (I think that shield doors are confirmed to be spawnable on phases "SoP" - just made a new term)
My guess is that those shield doors are game type specific... just like on Halo 3 with objectives and starting spawns.
Weapons and vehicles will be SOP, we've learned that from the beta. The real question is are other objects SOP? My idea is to have two phases in the Gulch and the last on the island. Altough people will spawn on the island in the third phase I need to transport the rest of the players to the island. I've thought of two options. Option one: a killzone that spawns in the third phase and kills everyone in the gulch (con: if you're on a nice killstreak you're pissed as hell). Option two: a giant teleporter (you can set the range of a teleporter), con is that you get a giant assasination party.
The one-way walls (giant and red-orange, remember?) that blocked off the later areas of Boneyard disappeared at later stages, so I'm gonna assume at least some of the objects are SOP. Also, spawns seem like they're SOP, which is kind of essential. And of those two options, I'd have to say a teleporter would work much better. If it's an immense teleporter that covers the whole Canyon, it should work out OK because everyone will teleport at once, meaning they show up at the same time and nobody has time to set up behind a teleporter exit. You should make a bunch of teleporter exits, probably as many as possible, to avoid enemies spawning next to each other. If it's possible to make different teleporters for different teams (just like you can make teleporters for vehicles only or humans only, maybe you can make them for Attackers Only), then it should work fine. Honestly, though, I would just have a bunch of vehicles spawn and make the players get themselves to the next area. People get frustrated when they have no control over their movement. Since at the third phase, the whole map is unlocked, you could even give them Falcons and Banshees and allow them to fly wherever they want.
See below: So yes, guide to Invasion forging next will be up Friday(possibly sooner, but I doubt they'd wait till the weekend). That's in the second paragraph of the 9/10/10 update for anyone looking for the source.
I have a feeling there won't be "cores" on Forge World. In the object list you can spawn 2 types of objective which can then be customised to for each gametype. Flag Stand - CTF, Stockpile and the "core" Capture Plate (is that what its called, I forget) - bomb spawn, oddball spawn etc Hill - KotH, Territories, Stockpile hills and Invasion control points So 3 objective items (plus any other item as things like hills or bomb plants) simplify setting up gametypes so I don't think Invasion will be too complicated, perhaps planning how the game of Invasion should play will be the hardest part.
Get your facts right before you post, Someone already has reach and posted a map, I also did get Reach today. Doofus.
Why don't you get your facts right? He was asking a question, hence the question mark at the end of his sentence. You could've just answered him instead of being a jerk about it.
So I see you want to be the oracle of infection. Sorry, but you're at the bottom of that list with this little thread. Let me introduce you to something called flaming. That is what we call all the stuff above which is a result of you posting a thread with no pertinent information besides what has already been announced in bungie updates. Tip: When you make ___________ Discussion threads, the OP should be overflowing with useful information and approach the picture and character limits. Due to flaming I'll ask a moderator to lock.
The answers to both of the other questions in the OP are yes, and yes. Forging invasion is possible, but its not easy.. theres alot of values that you need to be well aqunated with before diving into it. I'm posting a video tutorial on the basics of forging an invasion map, that will include: -Creating a respawn zone. -Creating capturable objective zones(2x2) -Creating walls (boundaries) that will disable with the capturing of one of the zones, within a series. -Creating a core spawn zone, and core delivery zone. Theres alot more options, like vehicles spawning, weapons, and mancannons. But once you watch the video, its pretty easy to teach yourself the rest of the options. The video is at 20% uploaded, and I'll post it in this thread, and also it will have its own topic on the main disscussion page.
If I recall correctly, Urk said in the last weekly update that this week's update will include a guide to forging an invasion map.
The tight thing is that Bungie added Hemorrhage and Paradiso to the Invasion playlist. does anyone know whether or not these two support Invasion, or just regular Invasion Slayer?