New Sitrep or Hacker looks so sick, I wonder what a hacked care package will do... Also I love that ninja and marathon share the third perk slot, no more getting stabbed by some noob who needs pistol kills. The entire perk selection seems so much more balanced than MW2 had them out to be. I love it. Anyways I can't wait for this game, the biggest bummer so far is no epic 25 kill streak. The game would be the best FPS if at 25 you call in an undead horde.
Reviving last stand,Dogs, It's like there bringing the best parts of WaW into MW ,(except the bouncing Betty)
I read that as you saying the bouncing betty was good. I hope you were being sarcastic. After seeing this I'm starting to think that I'll be buying this when I comes out. It's perks look much more balanced and the customization looks great too. I think Black Ops will be ALOT better than Modern Warfare 2.
Dogs are apparently exactly the same from WaW health wise (meaning they have more health than players do), but now that they are an 11 killstreak, they kill in one bite. If this is true, Ghost is gonna be my most used perk.
Does ghost make you invulnerable to dogs? Awesome haha, after seeing more in-depth on theatre, it does look quite cool, and very helpful for montages/machinima.
I doubt Ghost will make you invisible to Dogs, and sure they're a 11 Killstreak, but I don't think they should be one-bite-kills. That's just pushing it. Two bites is frighteningly annoying enough.
Wiki Says: Ghost is a Tier 1 Perk in Call of Duty: Black Ops. It has the same effect as UAV Jammer and Camouflage from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: World at War, respectively, but with the addition of making the user undetectable by the SR-71 Blackbird. Unlike Cold-Blooded, it does not make the user invisible to the Infrared Scope or any other killstreak rewards. The Pro version is the same as Cold-Blooded Pro. Ghost gives the user a ghillie suit on certain maps.
Although we never got to see any of the "pro" perks im pretty sure hacking a care package puts an explosive on it that blows up when someone tries to pick it up. I can comfirm thats true.