Honka Honka!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by HumBoys, May 1, 2008.


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Poll closed Jun 20, 2008.
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  2. I think it looked nice

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  3. I needed it to understand the map

  4. It needed more details, like spawns and the likes.

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  1. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ---Honka Honka!---
    For those of you who were wondering, during the initial testing of the map, people tended to yell "HONKA HONKA!" when they saw an oncoming zombie. I named the map so it would say "H on Ka Honka" in the loading screen. The actual map is named Ka Honka.​


    The Overview​


    Starting Base​


    Relief Base 1​


    Relief Base 2​


    Relief Base 3​


    Relief Base 4​


    Zombie Grenade Point​


    This is an INFECTION ONLY map. Basically, It has one main base which the humans originally spawn at. The zombie(s) spawn on top of the tower at the opposite side. The humans usually race around with the guass warthog on the outer rim. It is not a good idea to camp, because the zombies have normal health, are very fast, and everyone has a waypoint over thier head. This is needed to prevent camping. Because people are often stranded without a vehicle, I have created relief bases to grab a quick vehicle and/or weapon at in case you are stranded.

    Starting Base:
    Firebomb grenades x8
    Needlers (all)
    Sniper rifles x8
    Spartan Lasers x8
    Sentinel Beams x8
    Guass Hog x2
    Chaingun Hog x2
    Prowler x2
    Mongoose x2

    Relief Base 1:
    Machine gun turret x1
    Mongoose x3
    Beam Rifle x8

    Relief Base 2:
    Machine Gun Turret x1
    Chain Warthog x1
    Mongoose x1
    Gravity Hammer x8

    Relief Base 3:
    Machine Gun Turret x1
    Chain Warthog x1
    Mongoose x1
    Bruteshot x8

    Relief Base 4:
    Machine Gun Turret x1
    Mongoose x1
    Prowler x2
    SMG x16 (or is it 8?)

    Middle of the large structure in the middle:
    Custom Powerup x1
    Frag grenades x2
    Plasma Grenades x2
    Spike Grenades x2

    *All of the items above are instantly respawning*

    Custom Powerup traits:
    Allows the zombie to pick up weapons for 3 seconds, so they can pick up the grenades. This is for patient zombies that will go to the middle instead of rushing off to fight the vehicles.

    Edit: I want to include more info about the gametype, so here it is:
    Humans spawn with a rocket and shotgun, unlimited ammo, and regenerating grenades. If you are on your own against a group of zombies, this is almost useless, believe it or not.

    The zombies spawn with a sword and gravity hammer, 300 percent speed, and close to normal gravity for extra control.

    Betrayals are off!

    Cheers to you if you read this wall of text!

    Now, What you've all been waiting for!

    Download Map (Ka Honka)

    Download Gametype (H)

    Note: I realize that this map is not entirely original, as I have seen other maps like this after I created this one's predecessor. Thanks to all, please don't flame, and most important of all:

    Keep On Honkin'!
    #1 HumBoys, May 1, 2008
    Last edited: May 1, 2008
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Isn't that kind of unfair to the zombies?
  3. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
    Senior Member

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    lemme be the first to say this is utter garbage.
  4. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow kind of harsh there yomtvraps? I think he means you need to work on it more before posting it.
  5. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ooh! or, you could express your dissaproval in a KINDER way. It is actually a fun map, but yes, it is unfair to the zombies if you have a good gunner. The fact that zombies have a gravity hammer to take down the vehicles, along with a possibility of grenades, makes it much more fair.
  6. bib bob

    bib bob Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this makes me wanna puke b/c this is everything I hate in an inf map rolled into 1 map
    sorry 4 being so rude but that is my view

    with extreme
    bib bob
  7. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Are the zombies usually invisible?
  8. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    No, the zombies shouldn't be invisible. Is there a problem with the gametype? Do I need to post a new one?

    And again, thanks for the critisiscm. Knowing that this is everything that you hate rolled into one REALLY helps me.

    P.S.: Wow, only 1 download. It surprises me that there should be any flaming at all for a map that 1 person on these forums have tried!
    #8 HumBoys, May 2, 2008
    Last edited: May 2, 2008
  9. Pro NZ Assassin

    Pro NZ Assassin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ummmm it looks alryt....
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Very unballanced if you ask me. I hate Sandtrap zombie games they are all the exact same, Fast zombie humans have hogs. Wheres the orriginality?
  11. KB

    KB Ancient
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    what the heck is so cool about this map?
  12. o0 god 0o

    o0 god 0o Ancient
    Senior Member

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    theres nothing much too it , its basically sandtrap with 50 warthogs
  13. SHiFT Something

    SHiFT Something Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm. Don't really like the idea of this map. sorry to say but i dislike zombie games on sandtrap where the zombies have an annoyying time chasing after grouped gauss/normal warthogs along the outer rim of the map
  14. HumBoys

    HumBoys Ancient
    Senior Member

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    y u all be hatin' on my map? If u have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all! Didn't you learn that in linke, 1st grade?

    edit: Although I do enjoy the kind critisiscm. The word hate is BAD.
  15. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    nice idea with the relif bases, but it is just ok
  16. Fly

    Fly Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks OK
  17. Jester

    Jester Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, flaming on this map needs to stop because:
    1) Yes, believe it or not, alot of people play infection maps similar to this one and, yes, alot of them have fun doing it. Its not the most imaginative map, but it doesn't need to be.
    2)What HumBoys has made is in fact much better than all of the maps like this I have ever seen. The relief bases are kind to the humans and the custom powerup helps give zombies an upper hand.
    3)The gametype is well thought out. Most of these tend to let the humans mow down all the zombies with minimal effort. This one gives ALL the zombies hammers, and occasionaly other weapons. A+
    4)You just absolutley cannot hate a map with a name this funny.
  18. samstone

    samstone Ancient
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