Yeah, wouldn't it be so much more rewarding to get it legit? I'm assuming that you only want it to brag about having all the achievements or something, which implies that you are trying to prove something or impress someone else which is just stupid. First of all, you shouldn't even care what other people think. Second of all, if you tell them that you got all the achievements it will mean nothing because of people exactly like you who also cheated. So the only way to impress anybody with these achievements is by getting them legit and impressing yourself. Silly noobs
does this REALLY matter ? why does it matter if some people get achievements easier than you? Unlocking things and getting gamerscore is NOT a contest. why would other ppl cheating to get achievements affect you ? Why not just get the achievements the true way then you know you didnt cheat..
Why would they patch it it would be extremly difficult and almost impossible. It would just be more of a pain in the ass. Also I'm pretty sure that its almost impossible on legendary to not die, unless you do it the marty way. -rep waxy
I think you need to chill out. Your over reacting. As said above it is not like people who "cheat" to get the achievements effects you in anyway at all. So quit freaking out.
I can't watch the video. But what are you complaining about everyone lol, ALL!! the achievements in Halo:Reach are easy!!! The ONLY!! one which could be considered moderate is completing campaign on Legendary solo. Which sucks IMO i wish all the achievementswhere hard, Your meant to achieve them. Definition of Achieve:To gain with effort. Notice how to definition isn't:Randomly get things by accident while doing things half ass'd.
Agreed but TBH some of the halo 3 achievements were just too difficult. Perfection on a mythic map? C'mon! Less than a quarter of all halo players managed to get a perfection medal throughout the ENITRE time they had halo, let alone get one between now and when the mythic map pack came out.
By me wishing they where hard, Hard as in Taking skill and effort and can eventually get if you try enough. Not randomly impossible ones like that and the 2 for 1 spartan laser one. MM achievements are complicated and hard to get right. Glad Reach doesn't have any.
You guys are no fun. If anyone can get them, how would they be special? I think someone is just a bit bitter.
So you're saying that if someone tries hard enough they should be able to do anything? I guess that brainwashing from elementary school really works on some people. Let me introduce you to a little reality:
I got all achievements in Halo 3, just dropping that in there ;P But I don't really mind that'll some achievements will be easier to get if you just set up your own custom gametype. What I do mind is that a big gaming site is releasing guides on how to get the achievements the easy way a week before the game is even released! I wanted to be able to figure stuff like that out by myself, then I could feel like a used some initiative, but now when I do it I'll know that I watched that video.
me thinks this was made so bungie could make firefight acheivements easier to get and to have an excuse for making an achievement for 1000000 points in firefight otherwise i dont know how youll put this into campain or multiplayer
Actually these are pretty easy compared to the ones that you have two do on your own in a Ranked FFA Playlist. Achievements like Mongoose Mowdown and 2 for 1 are the ones that were almost impossible to accomplish.
I really disliked the achievements in Halo 3 that forced you to play a specific game type on a specific map. Nothing was more annoying than being forced to play a game type that I completely disliked on a map that I didn't care for.