Hey guys, I was lurking around Bnet early and found some pretty cool forge lessons. I think it could be helpful to some of the newer forgers, maybe a mod or somebody can check it out. Perhaps its worth making a sticky for. Later! http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?postID=48657907
This truly is a great guide. Godly has done his best to make sure we do ours. He deserves some recognition. For those who say that its too lengthy to read, your wrong it only takes about 5 minutes to read a lesson. You could get caught up by the end of the day if you started right now. I have been ready since the first lesson, trust me. Its a great thing. I reccomend everyone to take a look.
It is pretty good..... I didn't see a problem posting a link to Bnet because its affiliated with this site. I could be wrong though, lol. I still get the occasional "spam-warning" for telling the new members that I like their maps. lol.
I've been reading alot of it, and it doesn't seem like its lessons just for Halo3 maps. lol. I'm pretty sure what this guy is teaching is map-making for Halo3/Reach, quake, ect....
He released lesson 21 today... Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : Make your maps better for Reach - Lesson 21: Incentive Weighting
The guy who wrote those guides is AZN FTW. The amazing creator or conquest, and man other maps. He truly is a forging god. Also the guide is amazing.
Ya, it is a great guide. It was featured on Gamasutra. So it's actually well recognized. Anyways, its a quick read, so I hope it helped some of you out too!
It's just general map design, not aimed at any particular game. Should prove useful to dedicated designers. I recommend checking it out at least once, to all forgers whether they be seasoned or newbies.