I was just wondering, I doubt it would be possible, due to balancing and what not, but would you guys spend time forging maps specifically for firefight. Finally those zombie maps that pit humans in a safehouse/fort/building could have real use.
Searching this forum would have answered that question for you. The issue is with the interaction between the AI and items you forge onto a map.
lol. you end up with a game of AI characters the resembles a laggy game where everyone playing is walking into walls and corners.
First off, that sentence made no sense. Second, have you been listening to what everyone said already? AI characters can't interact correctly with forgeable objects. They'd just keep running into blocks without an active path set up for them.
Actually they seem to deal reasonably well with the few crates on the map if they're knocked around the map, and if everyone decides to hold out in a far corner of the map they will still come attack you if they find you. I think the only reason firefight forge was dropped from Reach was to finish the game on schedule. Remember firefight and invasion were both supposed to be in Halo 3 but they had to wait because of time constraints. Considering the gametype customization wasn't even really finished by the time the game shipped, I doubt they would have time to put firefight forge in.