Ok so,I have been sooo excited about forgeworld that i basically know Everything about it,But i Totaly turned a blind eye all the other maps in the process(I think others may have too) So i was just wondering if anyone has any info about the forge items on other maps like,boneyard,reflexion,spire Etc... Maybe the budget of the other maps. Im now looking forward to changing up some things on boneyard Please feel free to talk about anything forge related (but not necesarily Forgeworld)
This questions has been asked so many times. Think of the other maps in similarity to heritic forging And theres forge discussion too.
Its about Forge as a whole not forgeworld, there have been a few topics about the invasion maps ive seen. Just ask in the forge discussion and you will get your answers there.
You want to know how well you can forge the other maps? These are the only phasable objects on Zealot. Maybe man cannons too, but I haven't heard any confirmation or confirmed denial of that.
^^What's so bad about that? Forge hub has ALWAYS been able to scrounge up a massive amount awesomeness from the most difficult settings.