Hunters Created by: xSoGx Grim Maps, that's what they're called, but aren't they more than that? Yes, forge creations are truly works of art, and each is worth its thousand words.We have our blank maps as the canvases, our controllers- the brushes, and the objects to paint our masterpieces. We have our da Vincis and our Michelangelos and our Raphaels. We have our Mona Lisas and our Sistine Chapels and our Davids. Rarely do we see such a great piece of artwork as Hunters. As the art's name implies, Hunters is a portrait of the great monsters we've battled for years. Sure, the Mona Lisa was a great portrait in its time, but Hunters has an extra dimension. xSoGx Grim mastered Halo 3's structural construction to recreate these iconic creatures at a massive scale. Mr. Grim has become quite the artist and his portfolio precedes him. He has sculpted his masterpieces accurately and carefully. Here's to recognition of the art Halo 3. Hunters shall remain framed in the halls of the Featured Maps for eons to come. Download Hunters View the Original Forge Hub Thread for More Information If you have any thoughts on this article, or the front page in general, that you would like to share with us then we invite you to post your opinions in the Front Page Feedback thread.
Wow, finally another aesthetic map featured. I knew from the beginning that this map would be a hit, Sog truly is an amazing forger. Gratz.
the grunts were his latest creation, the hunters are relitivly old, you should check out his Sangheili it is also quite huge and totaly awesome!
Wow you are really good with aesthetics! I look at your other ones too and they are all very stunning. Congratulations. It's well deserved.
I think that the Sangheili and Unggoy should be featured in this pack as well, Can you have 3 maps into one feature? lol, Grim your a awesome forger. Well deserved feature.
I didn't think an aesthetic map would be featured, but this along with the other covenant species maps that he has made all deserve being recognized. Congrats Grim, i think you're our next premium.
I don't see why Fissure got overlooked, but your aesthetic maps are just about as good. These Hunters are great and the Elite is beautiful as well.
Wow, I mean, how long did it take to to write a simple feature that should have been featured over 2 weeks ago? As The P3nguin has stated, all of Grim's covy masterpieces should be featured. But this is a little off topic, but when is the wanted BoF results going to come in?
It isn't just writing up a feature, it's a process. What is that process is, you may ask. I don't know, but i do know it isn't just seeing a cool map and just featuring it. I'm pretty sure there's a agreement/vote in the hub pub.
This map (and your other aesthetic ones) deserves this feature so much, beyond amazing work. The attention to detail astounds me.
Hunters are my favorite species in Halo !(even though the bullet is a little small compared to the hunter) Nice work on probably the last Halo 3 feature before Reach!!
Definitely my favorite aesthetic maps I've ever seen, and should definitely be turned into a map pack feature. :]
I'm not very fond of most of the maps "featured", but if anything is a tribute to what ForgeHub is/should be about... it's the quality and detail of this map.
Simply amazing forging. Aesthetic pieces are becoming more and more beautiful, and this is one of the best, imo. Congrats on the well deserved feature.