I Saw a Sig with Bullet Pop Outs, and thought hmm... I can make this nao. So I tried my best but couldn't get the exact look, But I got this. Cnc please?
Text is way too distracting, dude. Also, I'm not liking how only some of the flash pops out. The render also basically really has nothing to do with the rest of the tag in terms of blending well with the effects...
My main problem here is color: Jorge's primary colors are grey and orange. As grey is not the best as a primary for the background, I would use a orange BG with some grey in it. As is you are using pink, which is pretty far off any color on him. However there are also numerous problems otherwise as well: Flow is bad, it is not constant. The text is too big. It distracts unnecessarily from the focal. The render is a bit too small, but with this sig, as you are having the focal split between his face and his gun, it would be hard to size it properly. Also you didnt get rid of the black BG under his right arm. The BG seems not to relate at all to the focal. It looks like it was made on that flame site, then put in as the BG for this sig, set to lighten over top of a simple cloud layer. Again, try follow some tutorials, they are extremely useful.