Towers Created by killswitch1315 With help from: Dylanvolcom Tested by: Killswitch1315, Dylanvolcom, Dooby100, Ryzer709, and GR33N G14N7. This is an infection map. It is best played with a big party, there is a lot of secrets to this map and it is asymmetrical. The zombies spawn in a cage that has a teleporter in it. Shown Below>>><<< Also After they go through the teleporter they go to the pit Then they go up the towers to get the humans What they dont know is that 2 lucky human can spawn in the WAR ZONE Here is the weapon layout. 2 battle rifles 2 shotguns 3 sniper rifles 2 smgs 2 spikers 2 magnums 2 needlers 1 brute shot 1 spartan laser 1 energy sword 2 machine gun turrets Equipment 4 Frag grenades 18 plasma grenades 6 spike grenades 1 bubble shield 2 power drains 2 trip mines 2 regenerators 1 radar jammer 2 flares 2 deployable covers Thats it. Download gametype Download Towers Map
Ya by the size of the weapons list, it looks pretty one-sided for the humans... I mean do they really need 18 plasma nades?
I like the layout and the look of the map, but I have to agree with everyone else, way too many weapons for the humans. You should get rid of some to make it more balanced.
Hey guys I am making a new and improved Towers map that will be called Towers V.2 and it will be bigger and there will be less power weapons, it will be out soon.
The weapon layout is too one-sided, and your post has grammar errors. But i'll forgive you, you seem new to forgehub.
Here is a link to the new version of the map. there is not alot of grenades and power weapons. also i fixed ways to get out of the map and now the zombies have to wait 30 seconds to get to the tower. Edit: i changed my gamertag to IMiCoLoNeL Mi I