PACMAN!! Hello Everyone, i bring you my First Forge Map so Please don't be Rude Here it is a Fun Infection Game 100% same as Pacman. Zombies will have to take down Pacman, but Zombies will have to be careful when pacman gets the Custom Power UP Hows the Game? Zombies start on the top and will fall through the tunnel giving some time for Pacman to get the Custom Power UP Note: You have to go on game options and change the zombie count to the number of players your gonna play with except 1 that will be the Pacman, for example if 4 people are gonna play: 3 have to be zombie and 1 normal player , if 5 people: 4 zombies and 1 normal player.........and so on......... Zombies Start Here: Pacman Map Pacman Killing Zombie after Pacman got the Custom Power UP: Pacman Couldn't make it to the Custom Power UP here : Outside Decoration ''Bungie'' Download Links:: Pacman Map: : Halo 3 File Details Game: : Halo 3 File Details Enjoy your Pacman Game
Ok dude cool map and idea, right? Well, a crap load of people have played pac man before and tried to make a replication. I don't know what it is with people and re-making stuff,... But any way if you have the gametype worked out you should really add some visual flair to this map, you know, aesthetics.
It's an accurate remake, however, untill Reach comes out, you can't really make a 100% accurate remake because of the line of view. Sure, you have made the walls and such resemble the pacman arena, but until we have completely see through walls (glass), it defeats the purpose of pacman and makes it more like a maze. Good attempt though.
This the same, the twists and turns to it, you know there is more then one level. Try making a few more levels. That will be cool. Anyway, your map is fun and enjoyable! Keep it up.
Could you put an observation platform in overlooking the maze so the player playing pacman can sign in another controller and have an overlook of the map?
Your pacman map is really neat, and looks to be a really fun map to play on and it would be reallly cool to see it recreated in reach, where you could expand upon this idea much more than you can in halo 3.