Bungie has made Forge 2.0. Its has a lot of upgrades but something I havent seen or been asked is about water. Can you put closed in areas under water and be dry. For example. I want to make a submarine. Can i make the submarine under water and have it so people can walk in it, or does the water just go right through objects.
Sorry bro, but the water goes right through any objects Although, if water worked more efficiently, the possibilities would be endless... Regardless we can't blame them. Water is damn hard to code to be editable!
It can't be that hard if Notch did it.. Of course, that's with badly rendered 1x1 blocks; and even then, it's still not very well done.
Well... realistic water is hard. I've tried in 3DS Max and my laptop really doesn't like simulating things like that, it would die if I even mentioned trying to simulate running water in real time!
Ask the creators of gears of war. They have created interactive substances...like the infamous meat cube and that liquid metal bubble thing shown in the same video.
It would be nice if we could forge cubes of water or "non-water" that could be placed anywhere. They could merge into things so you could create a pool anywhere you wanted, or cleared a small amount of water in the ocean (above the kill zone that is more than likely there.) It could be nicer if you could also adjust the x, y, and z sizes the same way you can adjust a hill, territory, spawn zone, ect.