Okay, I really want that new reach console! I have $145 spare cash, an original xbox(great condition) with a black wireless adapter and a 60gb HDD. I also have 3 controllers, also in good condition, and a lot of games: mw2 - great condit halo 3 odst - good condit halo 3 - okay condit BFBC 1 - good condit Dragon age - good condit Oblivion GOTY - great condit Army of 2 - great condit COD 4 - bad condit Star Wars: force unleashed - OK condit(no case) So would I be able to trade all that in for a halo reach console you think? Any feedback is appreciated!
They give you like three-five dollars for a used game, regardless of the condition. I got $7 for an un-opened copy of Army of Two that i bought at target. Gamestop has horrible trade-in value. Basically, sell online with ebay or something if you can. It will guarantee you a halfway respectable return...
Mainly, I need to know how much the xbox would bring though. I'm guessing around 150. If I have to get a new console, non halo reach, then a standard copy that is fine too
It would not get you $150, an original xbox trade in, before the 360 was even announced, i got a 10% return. So if you payed $250 youd get about $25 back.... I'm saying do anything to avoid selling at gamestop, you could sell that console for over $200 on ebay or craigslist easy.
You got jipped! I sold a few games to Gamestop awhile back (Mass Effect 2, Army of Two 2, and Bioshock2) I got about $80 total...
I met a racist at Gamestop once. Or, a douche, at the very least. Even Play n' Trade gets you a better bang, I think, but yeah, you're much better off with the above suggestion.
From now on, do me a favor and just send me a PM cause I'm pretty sure I'm just about the only person who works for GameStop on this site. All this would help me cause for one I rather not hear about how terrible their experience was at GameStop because, guess what?... I hear it all the time and just makes me want to go rage... As for how much you'll get for all that stuff, go and trade it in and they will tell you how much you get for it all. Edge card discount will help and it also depends on weather GameStop is doing any trade in bonus. I can't really tell you how much you'll get because it will vary on how many of the items the district has. IE, supply and demand... If you don't like how much you get on trade ins either sell online (And hope for the best) or rage at some other GameStop employee because it is totally their fault for giving such bad trade ins. (Not true, we just tell you how much you'll get based on how many of the items they have in the district.)
I never like to trade in games because I can't get over the amount of money I am losing in the process. When I buy a game for 60 bucks, even after I play the game for a while, I still have that feeling of "I payed a whole 60 bucks for this". The game still works the same as it did the day I bought it. The only difference is that now I have experienced what it was like to play it for the first time. So it's just seems ludicrous to me that if I were to sell it, I can only get 10 bucks or so out of it. Think about that. If I sell four games to gamestop, I'm losing around 150 bucks. I'd rather just keep it, go a half a year without playing it, then come back to it feeling like it's brand new again. That's what I tend to do. I bought dead rising when it first came out for example. Now, about a year later, I'm playing through it again and it's just as fun as it was the first time. It's REALLY stupid when people sell their game, then when everyone starts playing it again, they buy it back for double the price. In your case, you're literally proposing to lose hundreds of dollars just for a customization. I'd just keep your stuff man. You can take them to college with you or pull them out of the attic someday when you have kids or something. A halo customization is just going to sit there for a few years looking cool.
I'm trading in Mw2, Gear of War 2, and Halo Wars to buy Halo: Reach. I never play the latter two, and honestly, Mw2 can suck a fat one. I will not miss those games at all, and for trading in three games I get an extra 10 dollars, and every game I trade in to go for Halo: Reach is worth 25% more. So in my honest opinion, with the deal included and he simple convenience of the guarantee of getting some money for them, it's worth it. Normally I wouldn't trade them in but in these circumstances I feel it's ok this time around.