Sandbox Gravemind

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by kwheelscc, Aug 6, 2010.

  1. kwheelscc

    kwheelscc Ancient

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    • All right Gravemind has captured Master Chief (VIP), and you and your team need to get him to safety. Be care full Master Chief has a virus that was given to him by the Flood, which makes his shields decay and it is contagious.

    • You team goal is to escort M. Chief to the top and out of the crypt; out of Graveminds control and the Flood's (Zombie colored players). Before you make it to the top of the crypt you must go through five destination points. Oh and BE CAREFUL! Don't fall.

    VIP settings:

    • 3x overshield
    • 5% decay (shield)
    • Shotgun Limited amo and can't switch weapons
    • 110% Damage to others
    • 50% speed
    • 150% gravity
    • Sensors
    • Green (Master Chief)
    • visible to everyone
    • Master Chief can change players!!
    Players near VIP

    • No radar
    • 5% decay (shield)
    • Everything else normal
    Players NOT near VIP (Team of VIP)

    • Normal (totally)
    • Battle Rifle
    • SMG
    Base Players (Other Team ... Flood)

    • Sword
    • 150% Damage to others
    • Can pick up other weapons!!!
    • 200% Speed
    • 50% Gravity
    • 90% resistant to others
    • no Shield
    Custom Power Up (Only available at the top)

    • 50% Gravity
    • 300% Speed
    Gametype: Flood:

    • 7 minute rounds
    • 4 rounds
    • No weapons on the map so you just get the weapon or weapons you start with ;)

    Good Team Spawn (Escort Team)

    Bad Team Spawn Area :viral:

    Grav Lifts (To help Flood move around faster)


    Escort Walkways

    VIP Destinations: There are four others like this then the final destination at the end

    Very top of the walkway

    Top: Final destination on the Left and out of the crypt

    Gravemind Quote: "I shall talk and you shall listen!"


    And I know the Competition ended august 3rd but if there is any way to get my map in that would be sweet, but if not that's ok.

    Oh and probably best with as many people you can get to play. The more the better. (12-16 Players or whatever)

    • I played this some other people and they said it was boring, but when i played it i thought it was awesome. (but that just might be because it was my map ;) ). Try it out for your self. : Halo 3 File Details

    GameType: : Halo 3 File Details

    This is my last map (Maybe), Because moving off to college and Reach is coming out and creating maps on there. ;)

    #1 kwheelscc, Aug 6, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  2. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmmm.... Sorta like the asset idea. Only this time its more difficult (No Offence Gifle). This looks really interesting. I'll give it a shot. I came up with tthe same concept with Master Chief being VIP. It didn't work well so I cancelled it. Good Idea with the concept. I'll give her a download.
  3. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The aesthetics look alright, but you cant exactly tell that it's the gravemind. And I don't think making the VIP proximity traits negatively affect players is a good thing, it gives them no motivation to work as a team. It also seems bad to give the flood only 90% damage resistance with no shields. This means one headshot kills and any non-headshot weapon kills quicker than normal. The idea seems good but the map and gametype could both be improved greatly.
  4. kwheelscc

    kwheelscc Ancient

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    What should i do? for the traits?,... I can't do much to the map because i am out of money but i could delete some objects
  5. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    For the traits I would severely increase the damage resistance, but still make them sheild-less. Make the humans not spawn with a headshot capable weapon (Maybe give the VIP a pistol), and put a few (not too many) headshot weapons along the path with limited ammo. On top of that I would switch the traits for near the VIP and not near the VIP. I'm not a fan of Sheild Decay, but it might work, however I would remove it and instead just make everyone away from the VIP weaker and without a motion tracker.

    The path should be fine if the man-cannons lead the flood to higher parts of the path. Perhaps make a mancannon spawn closer to the end of the game that leads them to the final destination.
  6. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Advertising ^^^^^^. Anywho, I played 3 games. It was quite good. I was amazing by how much time you put into the gravemind statue. Gameplay was even more difficult than I exspected which is new to me. I played with only 8 players so I couldn't get a full game going. But still challenging and fun. Feature Worthy!
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Shovel you can forge with me anytime you want to man, this is freaking 1337 @$$ map. I can help you improve gametype. Oh and Plazzy, affecting the players negatively may not motivate teamwork but it does motivate keeping a wider perimeter around the chief so they last longer if the are surrounded.
  8. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah to a certain extent, but that perimeter isn't going to be at a constant radius. People will lag behind to avoid getting stuck with the negative traits by accidentally stepping into that radius. And especially if they have a sword they're going to swarm the chief and kill him instantly with an assassination.That theory would work if this map wasn't a single, linear, thin pathway to the top. While that's not a bad thing, I'm just saying that it doesn't fit with that wider perimeter.
  9. ghostapple

    ghostapple Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good job almost looks like the grave mind. dont quite get why you posted this in aesthetics if it has a gametype tho.
  10. FloppyPhoenixFTW

    FloppyPhoenixFTW Forerunner

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    Cool. I like how you made an aesthetic map into a gametype. And the forging for gravemind is pretty good.
  11. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    This is cool. I bet it took long, so much stuff looks like a jungle! lol. It is a nice map, really fun and enjoyable.
  12. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    I am a huge fan of this sort of stuff, and I love when the community comes up with works of art like these. And holy smokes, I can't tell you how perfect the flood gametype is with this. The lighting and the crypt is a perfect theme for this beautifully sculpeted gravemind. You have my props on this one!
  13. kwheelscc

    kwheelscc Ancient

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    Thanks to all

    Again thanks to all.. and sorry that i haven't logged in for awhile. But when i make asthetic maps i try to incorporate a gametype in there, so more poeple can look at it and have fun. The asthetic maps are cool looking but i feel like i need something more.

    Oh and now that REACH has come out... so many more post are coming out, i don't have enough time to look at them all. REACH has definitly made forging to easy, and is very hard to keep up on.

    oh and i am going to make more maps but just not anytime soon. (school and sports)

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