[Imagine me speaking in a melodramatic, over-enunciated accent] Recently I've invented a new form of literature: Stoetry. It is a story that hasn't any direct meaning or description of transpired events in any blatant form, yet not poetry, because it takes the appearance of a story. If someone else invented this before I did, don't post it, I'd prefer to live in my naive universe where I'm creative. An example I wrote: Respond relevantly.
thats pretty good actually, but this actually seems like just a normal poem put into a paragraph. its cool though that your getting away from the normal prose poems and trying something new though! im not so crazy about the speaking part and it could have been done differently but none the less good job
The dialogue is exactly the way it is because it refers to "Eleanor Rigby" (The Beatles). The whole point of it (not) being poetry is that it describes an event or series of events, but those events have very little to do with what it's actually saying. Oh and lol, the speaking part wasn't for the poem it was for me describing the Stoetry idea, read it however you want.
It seems a lot like free-verse poetry, or from what I've heard of your description and the description on free-verse.
It's a bit different though, if you read a free verse poem you can tell it still has that poetic aspect to it, while "Stoetry" is quite blatantly describing something happening.