So yea this may not work with the budget but its worth a try. and the giant walls on the ground are just for aesthetics. BEAVER CREEK BASE so yea heres pics no video this time sorry. Underground 1st Level Roof Front View Side View Back View and thats pretty much it. it will need some adaption when reach comes out as far as where to build it and some of the sketch up items are to big or small. anyways Thanks For Looking.
Who ever made it, his river has water, therefore the underground part of his bases will be flooded too ..
Well originally my idea was to build it on the small body of water/stream that runs through the coastline (beach). Maybe he did the same.
If your talking about that pic of a remake of Beaver Creak which looks almost exactly like the real thing then I remember seeing it on a modding website and I have seen it before it was finished