Yup, we need tp get the whole team together. I'll be on for sure this weekend and might be on during the week if I have time. Good to hear that your BR is doing well Lightz.
@ Mohican Yeah creager and I were both pretty low doubles levels (I never played it much) we won like three or four straight matches and I went up about 6 levels I think I'm about 29 now and he's a 32, but we'll go up pretty easily so I should be able to play doubles eventually. As for TS does the "team" include Brute Captain or creager? I'm fine with either.
It was originally Brute, but he doesn't always want to play (doubles, forge, custom). He also seems to get pretty irritated with us if we miss a callout/kill, which isn't fun for anyone. I want to win, but when we play with Brute, we get to worked up about other stuff that we don't play as well. Frustration is never good to have in Halo, which is why I set the controller down when I am not playing well or everything seems to go against me. I am open to play with anyone. I can deal with someone going negative as long as they are playing smart, communicating (something we need to work on), and relaxed.
It doesn't really matter to me who joins, but us three definitely need to get together to play some games, I'm still only at 43 and it is really getting on my nerves.
Since this thread has been up for so long and we have a team, we should create a social group, so we can keep the discussion there. Now, we just need a team name to put it under. Team Slayer team is too boring. Also, we should allow Creager, Insanedrone, E93, and Supa Midget (if he wants) to join. In fact, we could create multiple teams if enough people want to join the group since we always seem to have to exclude someone from games.
I'd be happy to play social games if you guys want to practice but im staying away from ranked for a bit,too annoying at times for me.Especially since my mate with his "l337" maths skillz has decided im losing more than half my games when in fact im winning about 60% of them...idiot counted my customs games into my xp :S Far as a name how about the Barbarians?Lol sorry im getting hyped up over age of conan And hey this is what they added groups to FH for
In my opinion you dont really need communication, just 2 other people who are good. That way you dont have to worry. Its not hard, just get good and play with 2 other people. I know you guys are thinking about doing 4v4s, but you actually level up faster in 3v3s. In my opinion, its also easier because you have less worries about everyone else going negative, especially if youre playing with people who are actually good, and can consistently go at least +5
Although you might perform better in 3v3's (I know I do), I highly doubt that you level up faster with 3. I know if you don't have a party you level up faster. I can't really speak for the level you are playing at, but when you play 50's consistently, you have to have good communication. It isn't needed quite as much as MLG due to no objective and radar, but it is still needed. If you play smart and use callouts, you can beat players considerably better than you. I agree Midget on the frustration of MM. Once I get my 50, I am only playing MLG, SWAT, and Customs. I might just start a group named Team Slayer Team(s) since a specific name would discourage others from joining. Edit: I checked out your skill, and I guess you are playing on the same level. But, I got to 45 by myself and with a ridiculously high KD near 1.5 (since gone down), so I still think you need communication in TS to get 50 unless you are just ridiculously good (semi pro, pro level).
Yeah, we really dont communicate much unless Im playing with REALLLY bad kids, then I just tell them not to go negative and well win... which never happens because theyre just garbage and go negative anyway. I usually do TS with one of my friends and his brother, and no one ever goes negative so we generally win. We do communicate a bit if were only winning by a few, but most of the time we dont really try. Half the time we dont even have mics in I know what you mean though, generally you want good communication. There are some people though who just know where people are, they dont really need a radar or anyone to tell them... you can just tell by the indicators over your teammates heads where everyone, even kids on the other team, are
Yea Texas lets make a social group because loads of people want to join now. Good playing doubles with you earlier Lights, sorry I couldn't join up with you after. I need to fix my NAT problem.
Yeah its made, main squad for us is me, trooper and mohican and whoever wants to fill the fourth spot (Assuming all of us are on) Tomorrow sometime for sure
This goes for you and anyone else that wants to join a team. Join this group. Since the topic of the thread was finding a team, I feel that the discussion should go in the group, so we don't get in any trouble because we are going off topic a little when we discuss the times we are available and what not. Again, sorry for missing out on some game time. I was unable to play because of people over, but I should be able to play tomorrow except in the morning when I have to take the SAT (I think Lightz has to also). Now, this topic will be resumed in the group... hopefully.