Bet you guys thought this was going to be about the map Lockout didn't you? Well it is about lockout... but the words not the map. The mods here are seriously thread locking happy. They're locking us out of tons of threads, about half of which don't need to be locked really. Moderators, I understand you are needed, at times, but you are doing everyone a disservice here by getting lock happy and locking too many threads too quickly. For example, I could title a thread "Who's excited for Reach's Campaign?!" and talk about how excited I am for the campaign, but I would bet money after about 6 replies, even if they were all other people interested in discussing my topic, mods would come along and lock the thread, then say something like "We already have a Reach discussion thread" even though thats extremely general, and not what I would be wanting to discuss. Seriously, you moderators are here to keep us happy by removing truly spamming threads and users, which are rare. You are not here to annoy us and remove the topics we want to discuss. Thats why we come to this site. And if you keep locking so many people's threads, they WILL leave, and YOU will have hurt this site, NOT those supposed spammers. Now lock this thread, or ban me, or do whatever you want, I can't stop you. I'm just saying you're locking about twice as many threads as you need to be, and its annoying, and none of my topics have even been locked. I'm not trying to anger anyone, annoy anyone, create spam, or get banned, but the locking has been so excessive in the Reach forums at least that I felt like I needed to say this for the benefit of other people here, even if I end up banned for saying it. I hope you guys won't ban me as I have never had a thread locked in any forum I participate on ever, but like I said this needed to be said, and I do not intend it to be insulting to the moderators here because like I also already said, we do need you at times for true spam to be prevented. And thanks for your efforts to prevent spam too! (Btw, I posted this in the Reach discussion because thats where I have been reading lately, and where I see excessive locking going on). Edit: Also, btw, I do in all seriousness understand a moderator locking and/or moving this once you see it, that makes perfect sense. Its just intended for moderators to see mainly, like a message to multiple moderators at one time.
Dude, when they say "there's already a thread for this" they mean it. All Reach Discussion is is spam, and if people like you knew how to read the thread titles, or even the threads themselves, you'd understand. AND, to sum it all up. . . /inb4lock/troll/infrac
No, there have been threads started, and then locked because a similar thread existed, but they were not the same. I go on lots of different forums, and have never even thought about this before. I never even thought about it on here until the Reach threads started getting locked all the time. And what is the point of a "Reach Discussion Thread?" The ENTIRE Reach Forge Discussion section should be locked right away, because there is already a Reach Discussion thread, and discussing Reach's forging IS discussing Reach. And I'm not just talking about duplication anyway. Someone posted a thread asking about a couple of things in either the Reach Discussion section or the Reach Forge Discussion section, and after 4-6 replies, the person's thread was locked and called spam for no reason. Why was it spam? Seriously? The person wanted information about a couple of things, and to discuss them with people. People were glad to talk about it with them. What's the problem with that? They weren't bothering anyone... I just don't see why their topic needed to be locked, and no reason was provided really. You can't just call a person's topic spam unless its extremely obvious its spam, or unless the people running this site are very strict on moderators or something... I'm not complaining about every locked thread. Sometimes threads need to be locked, I'm just saying its been happening a lot lately in my opinion. And if I'm wrong to question your decisions moderators, I apologize. I feel like its wierd to lock seemingly fair threads though, so I hope I won't be banished and exiled forever or something for saying this. It won't happen again either, this is a one time type of thing because you know my feelings now.
I have not seen any threads unjustly locked. EVERY thread that has gotten locked on the reach discussion thread has either been from spam, or trolling. If you can find a single thread that you think was unjustly locked, and did not have loads of spam, or loads of trolls, then please link it, and it can easily be reported to site admins.
ughhh, I was about to post before but saw YoYo was viewing the thread so expected a lock, well I guess I will now Because we are getting a flood of new people who are dumbasses. And what, are you sad that you don't get to post in the 15th "Excited for Reach Thread" because it got locked to fast? I mean who cares, if it's a legit thread it won't get locked, just ****ing look around.
You think the entire Reach forge section should be locked because it's the same as Reach Discussion? Then that means you think we should do the same to the Halo 3 forge and MLG discussion sub-forums. Forge Discussion is there to discuss Forge, the feature of Halo that this site is dedicated to. The Reach Discussion is there to discuss everything else. Matchmaking, Campaign, Firefight. Moderators lock threads that have a user asking questions in them because the question has been answered. There is no need for a thread to be filled up with users giving the same answer to the question every time they post. Requesting lock.
1. First off, this shouldn't even be in Reach discussion, if you're going to discuss a moderator(s) actions. 2. We lock threads because there's already threads that exist that pertain to to the topic. 3. The stuck Reach Discussion Thread is to catch any topic of discussion that does not warrant a thread. This includes ZOMG Can't wait for Reach! spam we're getting. 4. You are no special user compared to a spammer; I do not "protect you" from spammers. I simply warn users, remind them of the rules, and infract/ban if necessary. This includes you, and any other, established or otherwise, member. 5. Of course we're going to have more locked threads in the Reach forums; it's coming out in a couple of days. 6. Don't ever speak "on behalf" of a community, it just makes you look stupid when they disagree with you. 7. If there's a similar thread here, bring up the topic in the thread. It's ok to talk about multiple things in a thread, it's NOT ok to make multiple threads for slightly different subjects. 8. You should've linked to the discussion you're talking about. Arbitrarily referring to it doesn't make your case any stronger. And if you're talking about the thread I think you're talking about, I believe I did say the question was answered, and I never called it spam. 9. "...I have never had a thread locked in any forum I participate on ever, ..." Let's pop that cherry, shall we?