Intro:So as per now i can only be bothered to put one technique into this guide. If you feel that you want to add something that you have personal experience of it working then leave it in a post and i will edit it into this post! The guide will be split into techniques and rules, and the laws. Such as The crazy-hot scale (taken straight from How I Met Your Mother, but it really does apply to life) The Ten Traits of a Good Wingman He understands his mission if you approach two attractive women, the good wingman will give you first dibs and set about keeping the other one occupied. His interest in her is irrelevant; he'll act like he's interested. His skill extends beyond mere distraction; the good wingman will actually elicit and sustain the other girl's interest while you work her friend. He keeps you presentable The good wingman acts as your personal butler for the night, letting you know if there's a booger hanging out of your nose or toilet paper stuck to your shoe. He'll give you the heads-up if your breath is bad or if your deodorant is wearing off. He'll also make sure that you don't drink too much and start acting like an idiot. He tells you when it's time to put down the beer and switch to water. Laws: Never allow your friend to approach a group of more than two women. He will get torn to pieces. courtesy of Organite Techniques:WINGMAN TECHNIQUE NUMBER 1: Before introducing your friend make him out to be worse than he really is (within acceptable limits) make him have a flaw that no girl would like but still make them meet him. Girl meets your friend and realises that he has no flaw and thinks he is more amazing than he actually is. The other 8 traits to be updated later.
Not so sure about your technique, could backfire quite badly. Still, I appreciate the intention and might print this off when your get some better techniques and hand them out to my mates
Haha, well it depends who does the technique and how subtle it is. Admittedly it IS a gamble. I should probably add in a difficulty rating on the technique. The technique i have is one of those ones that either goes really well or horribly wrong. It involves alot of trust in your wingman.
So as promised to mag, I've got a story consisting of a wingman playing his part perfectly and it being totally wasted. Bad times all round. Me and 4 mates were at a music festival, all rammed into this 3-man tent, and pretty much having the time of our lives. Because the festival was pretty small we sometimes split up and went to different stages and whatnot. So its like the 2nd to last night of the festival and we were in two groups of 2 and 3. Me and two mates were in a blow up church drunkenly/jokingly getting fake married to some strangers and having a laugh. The other two were at the dance tent having a good old rave and they attract the attention of two lovely lasses from newcastle. Now it was a classic wingman case of one absolute stunner and one quite chubby unattractive girl. So the attractive one takes a shining to chan (my korean mate) and my mate dan says 'fair enough, shes obviously made her choice so i'm gonna play my part'. They have a dance and decide to go back to their respective tents, my mate dan obviously telling chan that he owes him massively. So dan did a pretty good job of keeping his catch entertained whilst not having to do what she clearly wants to do. So he makes his excuse, after a reasonable time, and says I've got to find my mates expecting chan to have done his business and be pretty damn thankful. Anyway we meet up with them both and ask chan what happened, now be mindful of the fact that chan is pretty timid and not the best at pulling women, so he says well we talked for a while and then shes says, "you must be really cold, come over here and i'll be your hot water bottle" to which he replies "nah thats alright thanks, i've got a jacket"........ She pretty much sees this as a rejection and throws him out of her tent. So obviously when we all heard this we pretty much exploded at his stupidity and just plain bemusing behaviour. Dan has never let him forget about this and its pretty much constant amusement for the rest of us. The moral of this story being, when you watch your friend squeeze into a tent with a fat chick in order for you to have sex with a hot girl, please please let her be your hot water bottle.
Whats wrong with approaching a group of more than 2 women? It works just fine and it shows alot of confidence. A wingman is really only needed when you want to take a girl home and she has a friend, naturally her friend will be all like "aww you cant ditch me for this guy" and she will have sway over her friend every single time! A wingman comes into play by keeping this other girl happy (usually by showing interest) and if shes happy, both the girls are happy and both will be coming home with the two of you. Dont be afraid to exchange the favor, help a brother out- talk him up and make sure hes not getting the short end of the stick every time. Good Wingman traits: Less attractive Funny Plays Guitar (optional) Flying Solo Option 1: Sometimes you dont always have a Wingman at your disposal, think quickly and observe, the ugly girl might be interested in some other dude and you can use this to your advantage. Introduce yourself to the guy, tell him your situation- you would be surprised at how often a stranger will help in these predicaments, maybe even buy him a beer if the girl is that ugly! Option 2: Find another party, Women get bored easily and a change in venue brings the possibility of finding a mate for the ugly friend. Use this to your advantage, persuade them to follow you. Option 3: Show a little interest in the ugly friend, maybe find a common ground "OMG you like this song too?". Its not often, but sometimes the ugly friend will talk you up to the hot friend and they will both be into you and if you play your cards right, you might be able to take them both home! (hence option 3- pun intended) If you never try- you will always fail.
Pro tips, bro. It always helps, though, if you and your wingman are great flirts. I mean, you can't just wing it (pun half-intended). Powerful, inspiring.