girl problems :(

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Monolith, Sep 9, 2010.

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  1. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Went out with a girl who broke up with me cuz she's too busy to have a relationship. See her every school day, only recently began fb chatting with her for lengthy periods of time, and I literally haven't been able to stop thinking about her for the past 9 months. She also said she thought we shouldn't go out again around 5 months ago. College begins next year.

    We also didn't talk at all the entire summer break and I have a feeling it'll be this way when we both go our separate ways next year.

    ...And when i say she's too busy for a relationship, believe me, she is...

    But the worst part is, I still like this girl, but she doesn't have the time for me. I see her EVERY day, talk to her practically EVERY day, and I think there's still at least something there. But it's so difficult to tell. It's really hard for her to open up to people.

    And did I mention she's EXTREMELY busy?!!

    Help/? Advice?
    #1 Monolith, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  2. Mr Magashi

    Mr Magashi Forerunner

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    If you been having girl problems i feel bad for you son, i got 99 problems but a ***** aint one....

    TheorEDIT: I approve.

    Anyway, seems to me like you either need to man up or gtfo. (to put it nicely) Tell her how you feel and be confident when you do it and maybe she might see what she is missing out on.
    #2 Mr Magashi, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2010
  3. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    General advice: Make her feel that you're worth it. Make her feel that you are more important than her busy activities.

    This coming from a guy who has similar problems as you are having right now ;)
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Well, maybe i'm not being man enough to just say, hey, if you want something then nows the time to act... but it's not like she can drop everything for me. She has a life too, and I want to respect that.

    Plus I don't want to ruin a decent friendship. I don't want to screw things up again.
    It's just so hard to know if I'm making an impact or not... But I guess that's my best bet for now. I mean there's not much else I can do without making it worse.

    (thanks for the comments btw)
  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    If a girl isn't willing to make time for you, or she's too busy for you, she may just be stating something else in a more polite manner.
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    If she wants something with you, she'll make time for you. It is what it is. You can't force a relationship to happen. If it's meant to be, it's mean to be. Best thing you can do is just go on with your life and get back out there looking. Treat it like an addiction and ween yourself off of her.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I have an advice, blog it the next time, there is no need for a attention thread.

    But I also have help: Move on, she clearly isn't interested in you, sorry, but she is too busy? Like silence said, that's just an lame excuse. (Or she is busy with someone lese, hrhr)

    You can go 2 ways:

    1. Screw her, I'm sure she's not the only girl you see everyday, choose one of the those
    2. Wait until she is not busy anymore, I heard pensioner have a lot of time ...
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I don't think it's as easy as that. She told me she doesn't even have time to maintain relationships with friends. And I can see that.. I'm friends with her friends and they always complain that she's too busy for them too.
    I wasn't aware people actually reply to blogs...

    She really isn't like that though. I mean she isn't clear about anything really... and besides, she constantly talks to me... it's not like I go up to her every day.

    1. I've tried. Literally tried to stop talking to her and avoided her for at least a month. She kept trying to talk to me... it's part of her personality. She literally is incapable of hating people.. Which makes it so hard for me to ignore her.

    2. There's no waiting for her to stop being busy. It's like waiting for her to stop being herself. She's notorious for being busy. Ask just about anyone at my school. Not even kidding.
  9. oh knarly

    oh knarly Ancient
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    If you're going to college soon... get over it tbh. And if its too hard to be around her every day, don't.

    I know its not as simple as that because its all emotions and whatnot but they're your best options me thinks.
  10. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    You know, I went through this exact problem with a chick once upon a time.

    Women are strange creatures my friend.

    I was like madly in love with this one chick and it was pretty clear I liked her. I mean any time she dated someone I'd beat his ass (lol) and we were like best friends for the longest time, but because I was always there for her as a friend she became accustomed to looking at me in that light. So any time I got around to asking her to go out with me there was always some excuse: I'm too busy for a relationship, I like you as a friend, I'm not looking for anything serious, etc.
    As a result I tried to move on. I knew damn well that in my head I still liked her, but as I dated other chicks I became less available for her.

    when she started talking about us maybe dating again (we dated for like 2 weeks) so I would break up with my gf then to try to get with her but then some other **** would come up.

    That's the key with women. The more available you are to them the less their attracted to you.

    So when I moved across town to another school I naturally wasn't able to see her as much and I gradually got over her, but she simply couldn't stand that and started like calling me every day then telling me how satisfied she was with me and stuff. I was over her though.

    But at that point she couldn't live without being with me (or so she said) and all the things she said would get in the way of us having a relationship were no longer applicable.

    Now (and here's the funny part) she's wants to be with me now, but she's nothing more to me than a **** buddy.

    Believe me, a lot of women (not all) take advantage of guys who are constantly there for them. It's only when they don't have you anymore that they want you.

    My advice is simply find someone else. Be less available for her. I guarantee that as soon as she feels you replaced her part in your life she'll be all over you like flies on ****.
    #10 Organite, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  11. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    We've been over this so many times, there ought to be a sticky or something:

    You visit Forgehub, you have girl "problems", you want to have a relationship (get laid), you want advice. Here's some advice. It's never going to happen. If she's too busy then leave her alone. Or better yet: leave her alone, then go mope on the Internet.
  12. LD

    LD Ancient
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    LDs Protip #34: If you can't stop thinking of her, get another girl that makes you forget her. Dedicating your youth to one girl that you can't even have is waste of time and you will regret that at some point of your life.
    Move on, Party hard.
  13. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    :( If she doesn't want you, I will haz take you! ;) lulz
  14. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    If she is EXTREAMLY busy she probably wants some space. She probably feels cramped and like she was being crowded by a hoard at a mall or something like that. If she doesn't want a relationship at the moment then ask her a few more months later and if she doesn't want a relationship still. I would say you two are done. Another reason is maybe she is going out with another guy and keeping it secret from you so you don't feel down on your-self because she chose another guy over you. There are sooo many things that you could simply think in your head why she doesn't want to be in a relationship. Anyway, hope you get her back.....Good luck.
  15. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    Had a similar problem with this girl (and I visit Forgehub, go figure) when we first met. Basically she was like, "Oh, you're sweet, but..." Now we're good friends.

    There is no happy ending. FML, bro. However, it's done wonders for my self-esteem. Now I don't shutter when I see humans with teh bewbs.

    Seriously though, it'll get better eventually, maybe, possibly.
  16. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    I can't not be around her. She goes to the same school as me.. we have the same friends. She is my friend.
    That's definitely an option... but I don't want to ruin a good friendship too :/
    Such good advice, actually. I mean I can see your point about her just not being worth it... But I'd still want to remain friends if we can't go out.. part of its because she's friends with many of my friends... and I just wouldn't be able to avoid her without feeling like complete ****. This is talking from experience.. cuz i tried it.
    She isn't going out with another guy... that's for sure haha. She's too busy. I can't stress that enough...

    But the weird thing is.. lately she keeps bringing up things we did when we went out.. like texting at 11:11 (don't judge!) and.. other stuff. It's just so hard to completely deny her.. I'd feel like such a jerk. And I'm really not that kind of person to just say "screw you and forget everything"... I mean I want to stay cool with it.. not make it an over dramatic scene.
    Twas epic.

    Well yeah, if there's anything I've gotten out of this, it's that my self-esteem has risen quite a bit with chicks. I can at least talk to them without sounding superficial and stuff.

    But I hope there's some kind of a happy end. She talks about how she wants to stay in contact during college... and I wouldn't mind that. But in the end... I see myself simply finding someone else. That doesn't mean we couldn't remain friends... but after this year, I'm guessing we'll both just move on without really even realizing it.

    Kinda really sucks when i think about it. :(
  17. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Tell her you got some advice from Forge Hub and that fact alone will bring her to submission.
  18. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    **** bitches get money.
    If something's not right that makes the relationship not work, it wasn't meant to be. Move on.
  19. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    FHs my last resort. i don't want any of my friends knowing.
    Yes sir.
  20. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    Well, you guys can still be really good friends, you don't have to go your separate ways. Really, if it's meant to be, it'll happen, but MAKE it happen.
    Loser. First rule of Fight Club.
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