Basicly, Im going to create star wars battlefront 2's kamino. It will be nearly identical, but with a few placed weapons, and maybe a falcon or banshee. I will also make a swbf2 gametype with the similar loadouts as the actual game. Assault: dmr, magnum, sprint Engineer: Shotgun, armor lock Scout: sniper rifle, magnum, sprint grenadier: grenade launcher, ar, jetpack shock: needler, dmr, active camo (no heavy for obvious reasons.) Pictures from the game:
i cant wait, i love swb2 and loved playing on kamino. will it support any game types like CTF? oddball mabey?
yeah I'm either doing this or coud city, or both. probably both though. ARe you talking about the one on swbf1 where there were 2 dishes on each side and one big one in the middle and you could fly ships on it?
No, the one with the platforms is called Bespin Platforms. Cloud City is the one with the balconies looking over the courtyard.
I personally would not put a banshee or falcon on the map just because of how little cover there is other than the height variation which is useless against a flying vehicle. I dunno, maybe you could place a banshee as long as you had weapons to counter it. I was actually planning on remaking this map with a BF2 style gametype at some point along with Mustafar :d
Might I recommend changing the engineer's AA to drop shield? This is because their special ability was to drop healthpacks (and ammo) to heal themselves or teammates.
So you just posted some pictures of another games map and said "I'm making this". At least add a bit more detail. Do not make it exactly the same, add a little twist. Be a bit more creative!
Hey this might help you out some. I had some free time so i made this really and i do mean really quick. KAMINO SKETCH UP You might could use a natural part of the map for the Big Platform.
You should make it a territory game where the territories don't give you any points but you win if you capture all them, you could also set the total points to win at 50 and make kills count as 1 point each. This would be pretty much like bfI or bfII. It would perticularly cool on a Bespin Platform or Cloud City remake. If you could remake the inside of the kamino facility, thst would be awesome.
I was also thinking of making this map in Reach. Looks like you beat me to it. Good luck with your remake. Quick question, did you ever play SWBF2? Not being mean, but the "Big Platform" is actually a building. You can go in and walk around and there is a base in there. If you did you probably just did that on purpose.
i played that game till the disk broke! but like i said i made it really quickly and the building is round. so i didnt want to take 2 more hours and make it... this was just to help out.
its awesome!! Great ideas man!!! ill download everything!!! i loved swbf2 and even still play it!! hahaha wow please send me a message when you finish kamino and bespin!!! Id appreciate much!!