...Let this be the best photo-shop ever... (If this is a day old just forgive me, the search bar here didn't show anything)
But he's Justin Beiber. I don't see anything wrong with him playing. It actually makes me want to 1v1 him lol.
Like I said earlier. I have NO problem with him playing it early, or going to the party, even the guys at bungie say it wasn't fair that he went. What pisses me off is that he gets to take home a copy early for no reason other then hes Justin Bieber and that Micro$haft was advertising Kinect at his concerts.
Yeah, the glasses are pho--- oh wai... Maybee, just possibly it's the Halo 3 :ODST disc... Or maybee Bungie likes his music?
i hear he got is ass kicked by someone already, so i guess getting it early gives him a few extra days to get good enough to reload his gun.
An ESRB rating is nothing more than a bunch of letters and numbers created by psychologists, and other psycho-analysts who think they know what's right for your children. It has no legal standing whatsoever, in any country in the world.
Wrong. In the US you cannot purchase a game if you aren't at the age requirement of the ESRB. You can pre-order it, but you cannot pick it up without an adult. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20091027154847AAFg32j ^Click
i dont think its illegal to purchase if you are not of age requirements, but retailers can refuse to sell it to you and most will.
that doesn't mean it is illegal. Yeah. Justin beiber will be getting his ass kicked repeatedly. Send FH hitsquad in nao.
...lock this now Really why do people care about a Photoshoped picture of Beiber with a Reach disk. inb4shitstorm/lockwhichevercomesfirst
R u kidding? "it has no legal standing whatsoever"? It is actually a law that u cant buy it if u r'nt 17. duh.
Well... This is Reach discussion(Though remotely,) and he did ask or say that he hopes it was photoshopped. I don't think it NEEDS to be locked until someone ends the conversation or this deserves to be locked by someone atleast saying wether this is photoshopped or not. I hope not, I'd love to pwn him. Bieber settings: Default buttons Legacy sticks Sensitivity 10 Voice Mask or no mic