Physics Remastered Presents: The Fog Room Heres a link to the video/tutorial YouTube - Physics Remastered - The Fog Room (Tutorial Included) This room spawns for some reason when you go through the map, and if you wait in the right area, you spawn at the top. We managed to get to the bottom, using a very simple method. Credits: Performers: Bellachichi L337 PWN4GE SlowhandHendrix The SuperWaffle Contributers: berkgina Physics Remastered Members: Bellachichi berkgina Carnage A51 L337 PWN4GE nickgs 21 SlowhandHendrix The Phenomenom The SuperWaffle
well we were orginally trying to do something else and then i noticed something, which was that the corner that is usually out of the map was much further away before the loading zone and then after it was much closer so we got inbetween those two points went further in the level and loaded the area and were shocked to find this room, then after that all it was was figuring out how to get to the bottom and that took a little while.
thank you, im glad you enjoyed we will be uploading our other glitchs aswell i cant remember exactly how many other new ones we have but there are a fair few maybe 5 or 6 more to come. so yea hope u enjoy the rest