Banned for a week

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SlasheI2, Sep 9, 2010.


Do you check random peoples bios?

  1. Yes, I'm a freakin creeper!

    2 vote(s)
  2. No, too much effort

    7 vote(s)
  3. No. I like to rub my belly button instead

    2 vote(s)
  1. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Because of my bio. Well anyways, I've been playing MW2 for the past couple of months as that's the only multiplayer game I have besides halo (which none of my dumb school friends play) and I'm really hating the MW2 community now. This is why:

    Xbox LIVE - Notification of Enforcement Action‏

    Xbox LIVE
    Notification of Temporary Suspension: Inappropriate content in your profile

    [ DO NOT REPLY to this email address. It is not monitored. ]
    This email is to notify you that your Xbox LIVE account privileges have been temporarily suspended due to inappropriate content in the profile for your gamertag. The inappropriate content was discovered in the Motto, Bio, Location, Name and/or Personal Picture.
    The following content for the gamertag associated with this Windows Live ID was brought to our attention and was determined to have violated the Code of Conduct and/or Terms of Use:

    Bio: Hey children welcome to Narnia home of the naked but hairy lower regioned fawns. That's right who needs clothes in freezing cold winter temperatures when you are kept warm with all natural fawn hair. I personally live in a cave and I let children stay with me when it's extra chilly. I have great tea and a whole room filled with turkish delights. I also have a magical wind pipe to help kids go to sleep. My favorite possession is my magical wardrobe where I cry myself to sleep at night.

    Your profile was brought to the attention of the LIVE Enforcement Team through complaints filed by other Xbox LIVE users or in the course of our operation of the service. The LIVE Enforcement Team has reviewed the complaints and other evidence regarding this content and determined it violates the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use and/or Code of Conduct. Because this content is in violation, the LIVE Enforcement Team has deleted the content and issued a temporary suspension.
    You have been sent a message in the Xbox LIVE Dashboard notifying you when your suspension will end. During this suspension, you will not be able to log into Xbox LIVE. Your Xbox LIVE privileges will be automatically reinstated at the end of your suspension period.

    Customer Support is not able to modify or provide any further details about your suspension.
    Additionally, the duration of your suspension is subject to change without prior notice by the LIVE Enforcement Team if we discover additional evidence of violations.

    Microsoft expects that all customers abide by the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for appropriate behavior while using the service. Your failure to abide by the Code of Conduct in the future may result in, among other things, longer suspension periods or cancellation of your account.

    You can view the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct from the Xbox LIVE Dashboard under Xbox LIVE Policies in Account Management, or by visiting can view the Xbox LIVE Terms of Use by visiting | Online Policies - Terms of Use.
    Note: if you are not a user of Xbox LIVE, this suspension may have been enacted due to your activity in the Zune Social. You can view the Zune Social Code of Conduct by visiting Zune Code of Conduct | You can view the Zune Social Terms of Service by visiting Zune Terms of Service |
    Thank you,

    LIVE Enforcement Team

    I mean really? Do people really have the time to look at my perfectly fine bio and then report it? That's pretty creepy if you ask me. My bio is perfectly fine as it accurately describes the life of a certain character within a certain movie/book. This movie/book is for children so I see no reason why my bio should have gotten me banned. By the way, this is the second time I've been banned because of my bio.

    I also hate microsoft. Do they even check bios or do they just have an automated tally system? Because it they did have a random guy read it, then he should at least have the brains to figure out that this is a perfectly fine bio. I've seen much worse yet they ban me. At least I'll get my account back on the day Reach comes out :)

    I don't really care about the ban, as I have another account,but I just wanted to let off some steam.

    Anyone else ever been banned for dumb reasons?
  2. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cool story bro.

    In all honesty, that bio made me lol! I can see why it could be violating the code but at the same its a bit of harmless humor which doesnt need to be punished about.
    Also if this is the second time then maybe someone is trying to get you off xbl. Who knows?
  3. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Using the word naked is ban worthy, So if people complain you will get banned especially if you got a ban history.

    Part of my bio: Fully loaded man with balls of meat. Was put as a joke just like yours and could be taken offensively just like yours but there's no BAD words and I don't have anyone who would want to ban me so I'm safe :)

    Just keep any rude words out and you should be fine, or play it safe and just don't risk it at all.
  4. SlasheI2

    SlasheI2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    But fawns are naked. How about scarfed?

    It's tough trying to have some humor on xbox live, darned kids will stalk you then take their sweet time to report you.

    There was this one time my bio kept me from getting reported. I joined a hacked matchmaking deathmatch lobby (because infinity ward sucks at preventing this kind of stuff) where health was on miniscule. I got out my masterkey shotgun, because it has almost unlimited range, and went shooting. I got like 35 and 0. After the game, some kid sent me a message saying, "I was going to report you then I read your bio" or something like that. I got a good laugh out of it.

    But I guess kids are more willing to report than not. Sad really, taking all the fun out of fake bios.
  5. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I find the idea of the word 'naked' being bannable pretty hilarious, or rather it would be if it didn't result in stuff like this, at which point it's just depressing. 'Let's pretend that people cannot exist without clothes because some people find that offensive! Graphic depictions or even descriptions aren't necessary, just admitting that sometimes people aren't completely covered is all it takes!'

    MS censorship rules are some of the most nonsensically fascist I've had the pleasure of being subject to, luckily I've never fallen foul of them...yet....

    I feel for you, brah.
    #5 Pegasi, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  6. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i lold at that story, some people get banned for stupid things like my friend got banned for having in his bio: The early days when naked cavemen ruled the earth with their sticks and stones.

    But anyway some people just take offence to some words.
    #6 Combat P3nguin, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  7. Sakori

    Sakori Forerunner

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    Its worth mentioning that the surname 'brown' isn't allowed in the surname field (got the info from a friend with said last name, tested it out)

    Its not surprise they'd ban over the word naked. It does seem ever so silly though.
  8. Benji

    Benji Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think they may be more concerned about the 'Hairy Lower Regions'.
  9. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interesting... my motto says that I love someone's cleavage.

    To be honest... while I think that your bio is funny, to some it may sound child molester-ish.
    #9 MaxSterling, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If enough people were offended by the word 'library', would they ban that too? They can be offended as far as I'm concerned, really couldn't care less without some actual logical exception to the word or phrase in question. I dislike MS's better safe than sorry attitude to this stuff, it's disgusting pandering. Obviously not in a context which really matters too much, freedom of speech in an online bio is hardly the end of the world, but it still seems exceptionally stupid to me, especially when knee jerk bans like this are handed out on an automated system without so much as a warning.
  11. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    i mean how can you ban for such a non offensive word. the one gamertag that my friend had (iloveyourtits) wasn't banned immediately but it was eventually. i mean that is kinda offensive but i guess they reported you because it makes you look like a pedophile.
  12. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I got banned for a day for having "Dirtyprostimexihooker" as my motto.
    Tough luck dude. Just looks like you'll have to have a different bio.
  13. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    You described fawn pubes. /end

    Newho, it's not a tally system, every report is checked by Microsoft. They had a talk about the system at PAX. I have a podcast of it. Fairly interesting listen actually.
  14. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    I got my friend banned for having the F word censored in his profile. [​IMG]
  15. LD

    LD Ancient
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    I always report people and tell them I did, because it feels great to get hate messages if they get banned.
    It all started when my teammate got banned because his GT was: i5m KS RaiiPaa, if you can get banned for such a name, you should get banned for everything else too.
  16. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Someone got banned because of their REAL city.
    'Fort Gay', which is a small town of around 800 on West Virginia's border.

    Don't be alarmed. And this really dosen't need a thread.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Few things 'need' a thread, I think it's a valid point of discussion personally.

    Hadn't heard about your first point though, that's stupid but I can see the reasoning there more since it's more of an unfortunate coincidence than mindless censorship. Didn't they have to change the rules on the word 'gay' though? I'd heard they had to allow it since some people complained that they couldn't refer to their own sexuality in bios etc, could well be wrong though, will have a search now.

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