Carrier77 (Sketchup)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by GreyAlpha, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. GreyAlpha

    GreyAlpha Forerunner

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    I've used MickRaider and Bartoge's library to put together some concepts for a map. There are some great carrier concepts out there, and this is my take on the theme. Extra care has been put into it so that both Base and Carrier are balanced. The main point here is the carriers tank, which may seem crippled, but actually has a commanding view (and shot) of at least 50% of the terrain (with height), including the teleport bunker, and ship armor for protection.



    I think I've overestimated the use of an immobile, defensive tank. A vehicle teleporter on the Carrier would restore balance, and also allow for direct tank-to-tank combat. The exit point of the teleporter might require a 'time waster' road, in order to ensure mirrored transit time for both tanks driving full speed toward the center of the map, but that's easily implemented. (Barring other vehicles- ie: Falcons from using that vehic.teleporter would also be a given) Thanks for your input!

    Both Bases have similar 1 way exits and rear hall for funneling attackers. It is extremely difficult to break the spawn room, and both spawn rooms have excellent situational awareness (lines of sight)


    Rocket launchers and a spartan laser are located in both bases (but out of reach of noobs)




    Both teams have teleport bunkers (1 way) accessible immediately from main spawn. They are identical in structure and vehicles (1x warthog,2x mongoose), but are out of sight of eachother. The blue arrows show teleport exits accessible immediately from both base spawns- red dots are exits (1 way)


    Feel free to leave a comment!
    #1 GreyAlpha, Sep 8, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2010
  2. DFS Faust

    DFS Faust Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks pretty awesome i like how you posted your sketch ups on the image of forge world thats pretty sweet. is it supposed to be invasion or what?
  3. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Remember vehicles in reach are much more powerful but with low health. The scorpions will make a deadly, but momentary presence on the map so defending with one will not really be an option.
  4. GreyAlpha

    GreyAlpha Forerunner

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    Thanks!, re: Game Modes

    Thanks! I was just thinking team slayer 8v8. I suppose the bunkers could be used as Territories, but the teleport exits would need to be placed in more challenging areas (while still being mirrored). I'll think more about it, but I'm definitely open to other posts from readers!

  5. GreyAlpha

    GreyAlpha Forerunner

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    That's an important point. The scorpion is most effective on the offense... I could add a 1-way vehicle teleporter- thoughts?
    #5 GreyAlpha, Sep 8, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  6. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    the design is practical and all but you should probably make the most out of the budget and make it a little bulkier. you might want to add some turrets as well. :ninja:
  7. GreyAlpha

    GreyAlpha Forerunner

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    I definitely agree with you, and neglected to mention heavy weapons placements: Both Base and Carrier will have at least one stationary gat.gun and MLrocket launcher, and I'm open to Shade turrets and possibly an extra Rocket Hog at each of the Bunkers. Beyond that I think is a playtest issue- (to get the map, ping me XBL gamertag: GreyAlpha, comment including "ForgeHub")

    The angled walkway will have tripod weapons (~1x 50cal, 1x MLRS)

    *Also, my Sketchup app is super crashy, but once I'm in ReachForge proper, I'm gonna give both sides more teeth >)


    Heavy weapons mirrored for Base walkway

    #7 GreyAlpha, Sep 8, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  8. golfer90210

    golfer90210 Ancient
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    The basses look nice but i think the battlefield needs more and there could be ppl trying to spawnkill with the air vehicles.
  9. GreyAlpha

    GreyAlpha Forerunner

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    I definitely hear you on the spawn kills- the tele-spawns are designed to be open, which forces a team (in mid-game) to capture their natural bunker before attacking their enemies main. They can ignore their enemies bunker, but I'm guessing most players opting for the teleporters have either sprint or armor lock loadouts, and understand the trade off of a quick jump to the mainland. Still, your point is valid, and other people can chime in on weather they are also concerned with spawn camping in this map.
  10. GreyAlpha

    GreyAlpha Forerunner

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    Help: What Could Improve This Bunker? (.jpg incl)

    This is the bunker so far, but I'm not sure if players will bother to cap it, instead of just going towards the enemies main? Anyone have ideas?

    #10 GreyAlpha, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  11. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Make it have the only power weapon in the game.
  12. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    So is the ship going near the red dot or is that were the teleporter is?
  13. GreyAlpha

    GreyAlpha Forerunner

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    Power Weapon Possibility

    That would certainly do it- I've planned on having the sniper rifle, rocket launcher and spartan laser inside of each base, but that's definitely a good answer to my post. Keeping a singular power weapon (like a grav hammer, en sword or fuelrod gun) within the bunker would keep it from just being 'scenery' that people run by. Thanks for your post!
  14. GreyAlpha

    GreyAlpha Forerunner

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    You're correct

    Yes, the red spot is the teleporter exit. (the arrows might be confusing- sorry)

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