
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by iBag4Food, Sep 7, 2010.

  1. iBag4Food

    iBag4Food Forerunner

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    Hello forgehub I bring you my first map condemed!


    It is basicly a abandonded factory as you can see by its archeitecture the two windows and front door (2 stacked pallets) are entrances for the zombies.
    This is the zombie spawn area they are spawned the the skybubble to allow time for planning also on ground level the receivers are sunk into the floor to make sure people dont try to spawnkill.

    This is the human spawn aka the factory the small box on the left is a "fun box"
    what you do is you shoot the fusion coil and it breaks a pallet causing some random weapons to drop (sort of like COD : WaW ) at about one minute a walkway spawns by the side opposite to the funbox allowing you to get access to the area were the barracide is. Eventually a man cannon will spawn at the top area allowing you acces to the roof. (see image 1 ) not much at the roof but its a great place to see were zombies spawn!
    That about sums it up!

    Map : Halo 3 File Details

    Gametype : Halo 3 File Details

    Have fun and tell me what you think!
  2. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    How ias this a factory. It's just just an empty room with some stuff in the corner. I honestly don't know why you posted this map on forgehub. There a lot of "factory" or "warehouse" zombie maps a lot of them much better built. Try to add factory-esque stuff to fill a lot of the space. THere is also nothing tactical about this map, try adding more cover.
  3. ringOFtones

    ringOFtones Ancient

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    This is very very very plain. Nothing but a slab in the corner, and a funbox. It wont be very fun camping in the "warehouse" and killing zombies at the door. I would add A LOT of cover. 1/5
  4. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Well, I don't want to flame, so I won't just run it down, but instead I'll use a
    review system I developed solely for infection. Take a looky below.
    Zombie PoV (point of view)
    Human PoV
    Bag 'O Chips Value
    Summing It Up
    Possible Improvements

    Zombie PoV
    This section is made to list the challenges and excitements of being a zombie
    Well, lets just say that my hunger for brains wasn't exactly satisfied...
    The low level of difficulty was astounding. Armed with only magnums and energy swords, the humans made easy prey, and couldn't seem to get off the ground.
    Strangely enough, the palletes worked to my advantage, I would use them to drain the ammo supply, then crush the resistance. The only kills they got were with energy swords, and they had to swarm me. Rounds were short, and unappealing. 2.4/10

    Human PoV
    This part was made to illistrate the goals of the human
    This is extremely unbalanced. The humans spawn on the ground floor, only equipped with a mag, and we couldn't get the weapons out of the box, Without them, the zombie could wreak havoc on us, killing without skill. The ramp wasn't there, and only being able to use energy swords and mags, we burnt out before the ramp spawned. Without it, our doom was sealed. 1.2/10

    This is aesthetics, design, used space, resources, and the overall feel of the map.
    Well, I can honestly say, good ghost-merging! The design was a lower pitch, however, with all that empty room, you could have made a titanic warthog factory, and been incredibly sucessful. But in this setting, it just doesn't work. Only a small corner and small budget were used, and it was still incredibly bumpy, even on the roof. That roof was almost impossible to walk on, but some ghost merging here and there sort of averaged it out. 5/10

    This is the comparison of the PoVs, and how they make the game fun or boing whilst comparing them.
    Well, you heard them separately above, and they're not too different together. If a player is disapointed when he is put on a particular side, then you've got a bad balence. Everyone should be comforable in any role, however, it's fine if some are preferred. The Zombies have a large advantage with below six players, and the outcome seems similar above it. Now, I only played with 4 players, but that doesn't change much. The only thing I could think of that might change with higher numbers is which team has an unfair advantage. Below 6-Zombie. Above 6-Human. But again, I'm estimating.

    Bag 'O Chips Value
    This is, in short, how likely it will be for this to end up not only a valued member of the downloader's hard drive, but as the featured map in a custom games session.
    Okay, don't let me drag on about this one. This is a complicated rating to give, for every person's perspective is different. Instead, this is my personal opinion. This map was gone after reviewing. The use it had was little, and I had a hard time keeping my testers interested. I can really only see a use in it for you. The maker always finds a way to have fun, and even my worst maps are keepsakes to me, because forgers will only make a map based on what they care about. 1.8/10

    Summing It Up
    If you havn't figured it out yet, Zombie PoV was my perspective as an infected, Human PoV was my perspective as a human, Layout was my perspective as a Moniter (in forge mode), Equity was my perspective as a player, and Bag 'O Chips Value was my perspective as a host. Total: 14/50

    Possible Improvements
    Well, I'd start off by adding cover, but then step back, look about, and seriously consider expanding the boundries. If you're still too stubborn to enlarge the map, then a good idea would be to refunction and fix the weapons box, then make the ramp an insta-spawn. The high death rate near the game start was due to these factors. You also need to create better gameplay for the infected. In theory, they should discover firm resistance either from the moment they enter the base, or when they reach a human. This map idea is highly unoriginal, but that doesn't mean it has to be sloppy. You might want to take some extra time to merge the roof together better, maybe add a reason to go up there that isn't the fact that it's the only way to survive...
    #4 Confused Flamingo, Sep 8, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  5. WarpathZone

    WarpathZone Forerunner

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    Quite a well wrote review!

    Anyways, as a downloader and player I normally DL maps that have pictures which show quality work on a map, which also shows a good amount of effort put into a map. I see neither. Your first picture shows an overview of the map. I just see a box in the corner of the map, not really anything special or appealing to the eye. On the second picture I see 3 teleporters, and that to, is not very appealing. They look sloppy and placed completely randomly. Where do they go, I do not know. On the third and final picture i see where the humans spawn: a funbox, a barricade, and some walls. These pictures are neither appealing to the eye or look like time was put into the creation of the map. Perhaps you could put more cover, aesthetics, and an easier way for the humans to survive, like making it easier to get weapons. And what are the traits for both humans and zombies?
    #5 WarpathZone, Sep 8, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  6. Confused Flamingo

    Confused Flamingo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thank you warpath, and I see you have questions. I'm willing to answer them, if no one else is. Well, the screenshots don't portray it very well, but that little 'contraption' of a factory is inside another room, a big one at that. But even though it's passable as a room, it is pathetic as a base, and the only upside was a good sense that he/she interlocked a bit. I must also point out that I, surprisingly, gave it another chance, (I mean, the idea yielded all happiness from my group), but, anyway, I, (and they) realized, why camp indoors when you can stray over to the far corner and sit and camp? And I couldn't stop them, as infected or human. They lasted full games like this. Oh, and the traits didn't appear much different than in save one bullet, but as I pieced this apart, I discoved minor changes. This should answer any questions asked about this map. If not, post what I missed, maybe the creator will answer that.

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