Reach MLG Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Pegasi, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    wow, they want to make the speed just like halo 3. If they want that they can jsut play Halo 3, keep Reach its own game
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    The only problem is that Hologram probably would seem like it slows down gameplay, so they probably wont have it...

    Their call though, I'd love to see it in...
  3. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I don't think most of the default maps are going to be in MLG. I see Reflection, Spire, Countdown and maybe the sanctuary remake being in the circuit. I think the majority of MLG maps will end up being community content.

    EDIT: I'm not sure about the hologram being used since it's pretty much only good for playing against noobs. Nobody walks in a straight line. I think hologram is cool, but it should have mimicked the player, not ran forward like a nub would. That's why I don't think it'll be used in MLG. The only thing it would be good for is getting those first few shots with the distraction.
    #23 rusty eagle, Sep 8, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2010
  4. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    But most people shoot movement, they don't stop and say "could this be a Hologram?"

    so if you get shot at run behind a rock and shoot the holo out, you may be able to run away and avoid about 2 shots from the holo.


    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    you say that, but if it turns out to be put in MLG, hologram might be something that is in the back of your mind after you get used to it
  6. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Speed is increased cause then game play is faster. And MLG is supposed to be fast skill game. It's not like we want whole game exactly same as Halo 3.
  7. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    1. Speed to 120%, Shield Recharge 90%, 200% Gravity, 110% Jump height, default Damage and Damage resistance(100%), 75% melee.
    2. Evade, Sprint, and Jetpack, all tested for different maps.
    3. Every weapon except Plasma Launcher, Fuel Rod, Needler,and Spiker should have a chance.
    4. Boardwalk, Countdown, Zealot, and Reflection, from the default maps, a few forge maps too(Obviously).
    5. dAMPs retested, with default red OS.
    6. Return of MLG snipers.
    That is my assumptions for v1-4ish.

    Hopefully we see the return of 1v1 and 2v2 as well.
  8. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Spire is an Invasion map, I'm guessing you mean Zealot?

    And, based on the map compliment included with retail, I'd agree about community content featuring heavily in MLG. Especially since they've promised to be much more communicative about what they want to see and when in terms of Forge maps, it should be good to see what the MLG Forge community can come up with and how it influences the nature of Pro Circuit play.

    I personally think that 120% is a little too fast, though I know many disagree with me on this point. But I'd still like to see MLG start with default settings in terms of movement and etc. and work from there with what's felt necessary, rather than immediately shooting for a higher speed just cause. I'd personally prefer a 110% jump height for definite since it makes so many more reasonable jumps that bit more fluid and less clunky, but again it'd probably be better if the work from default principle was applied here too.

    As for shield recharge, I'd be more concerned about deviating from default there since even with a 90% recharge I think we'd see a much lower probably of ever recovering from popped shields, the recharge is pretty slow as it is (not too slow, in line with the health mechanic being re-added) and from what I've seen so far I think default is perfectly fine, any faster makes recovering from one shot with a few duck and covers a little too easy, and any slower just dooms you to being chased/cleaned up most of the time even if you're smart and sneaky (no more Strongside or Pistola madness D: ...). Obviously it's worth testing, but this is one stat I'd definitely tend away from changing just cause, and really hope they deem any changes from default completely warranted instead of change for change's sake.

    Not quite sure what you're aiming to achieve with the increased gravity twinned with the boosted jump height, care to expand? But agreed on 75% melee, I think this is one change where the standalone numbers vouch for themselves, it very much fixes most of the complaints with melee and CQB imo.

    And on the subject of Boardwalk, I'd be hesitant. Not to rule it out, again it should all be tested and no assumptions made, but it seems like an overly one sided map for MLG purposes, I can't think of anything it'd play suitably except slayer, and even that wouldn't be great from what I can see now. But hey, I could well be wrong, I think that's probably the only question in terms of map choice with the ones you've suggested. I'd definitely like to see Countdown, Reflection and Zealot given as much testing as possible, all 3 are great in my opinion, Countdown in particular looks to play in a really interesting way for 4v4 with it's symmetrical but heavily corridor-based layout. As for Forge maps, I think we can safely say that Asylum is going to be featuring heavily in the testing, and I'm not sad about that at all, though personally I'd like to see if The Cage would work as well. It's very different from Guardian/Lockout and could arguably be too open and heighted at one side, but I for one would really like to see it given a good shot since I think it's really interesting and fun.

    I'm guessing we'll see Lockout and Warlock remakes within a month of release from MLG forgers due to all the parts being included in the Forge object list with little left to do but put them together, whether they are accepted on to the circuit remains to be seen but again I'd assume they'll be given a good shot at testing etc.
    #28 Pegasi, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  9. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    I got a chance to play around on Reach a few days ago, and I must say, 120% felt a LOT like H2s movement speed, and the strafe was fairly fluid. I guess it would make more sense to start it vanilla at 100%, but from what I played with 120 seems so "right".

    I dunno, I am iffy on it TBH.

    Slower recharge increases the "attacking" teams willingness to push, while faster makes it more into a tug of war like game.

    Players actually have a new "sneaky" door opened when low on health or shields, so we could see "Super Pistola" :p.

    Gravity increases fall damage, and makes things less "floaty". You fall through the air at a normal rate, whereas in H3(as Cursed Lemon put it) "Increasing the movement speed feels like your ice skating on the moon", of course I am paraphrasing, he might have said something about a dumptruck too.

    Boardwalk seems like it will play a bit like Narrows, only slightly less linear. I would rather wait on ANY forged remakes, Asylum is really rather mediocre all things considered, and I am sure the forgers here on on our own forum will be willing to give Sanc a true successor.

    I know the MLG Forge Community has a few re-imaginings, but as far as I am aware, only two maps are being remade by our "top forgers".

    With the changes mechanics to the core of the game remakes shouldn't get a free ride to testing like they did in H3, I mean, Heretic ball was GOD AWFUL, and the slightest amount of prolonged testing would have shown that. But it was added 13 days after the map was released, simply because it is a remake.

    But, with MLG having a new "system" for testing, hopefully we won't have that problem.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I meant the ascension remake. I called it spire on accident since it sits on top of a spire.
  11. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Regarding maps:

    Boardwalk looks like trash for MLG imo. I haven't played it like you guys have but the screens and videos make it look fairly clear to me that it has an attacker's and a defender's side, with distinct advantages for the high side. That's going to work out about as well as MLG High Ground V1 did IMO.

    If any forger here made a map like Ascension, their map would get like 10 downloads and then just fade to the deeper pages of the map forum, and for good reason. The map is just not that impressive. Probably going to be a V1 slayer map though.

    Zealot looks alright to me, even the low gravity area. Perhaps the threat of people dropping from the sky is too disruptive to include in MLG, but I don't think so after seeing gameplay.

    I still don't have a good mental map of the Cage, but I haven't seen anything that would automatically exclude it from the first event. Probably a Slayer on it will work, since the first combine is slayer/flag only.

    Asylum Flag is all but guaranteed to be in V1.

    Powerhouse could be included in V1. I think I'm the only one who thought it was decent in the beta, and just needed some weapon adjustments.

    I'd be extremely interested to see something like FB vs. Instinct on Sword Base. I don't expect it to play well, but I think it has potential to surprise.

    Reflection yes. Countdown yes.
  12. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Reflection and Countdown are the only default maps I'm looking forward too. All the rest are piss poor for competition.
  13. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Gotta agree with Ladnil that Powerhouse is actually a sick map, me and Stefan have had some great 1v1 times on it, I think the questions about the deadzone of attacker spawn could well be negated by people using it as an important flank angle on pretty much all the power positions, definitely needs to be tried for Slayer at least.

    Your thoughts on Boardwalk are basically the same as mine as well, in that it's very much a high ground situation with no real flank or balanced back and forth options from what I can see.

    I personally think the low grav area on Zealot is questionable, if anything because I'd actually be more worried about people being able to sit outside and get an easy kill on anyone coming up to get them due to the set path of all the lifts leading there, and the slow travel time out of said lifts with the low gravity. Not gamebreaking most likely, but if I had to guess right now I'd say that the low grav area will probably not be included.

    @ rusty: played them all extensively have ya? ;)
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Game comes out Tuesday here. So, I haven't played them at all except for beta. Powerhouse was alright for slayer as I remember it, but once one team controlled DMR2 and P2 then it was very hard to make a comeback especially since rockets resided close to them. I don't think a 1v1 could accurately reflect 4v4 mlg play. It's very much a one sided map like highground.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'd personally disagree, I think the circular nature of it actually encourages a really nice rotational style. Obviously centred around the power positions you mentioned, but not push and pull like High Ground at all just due to the shape and layout of the map. Plus spawning and possible shifting of rockets could do something to address these dominating positions.

    Not saying it's a sure fire hit, obviously there are still big question marks, but I would have thought you of all people would agree that labelling maps you haven't even played as piss poor for competition is rather jumping the gun. What's your issue with Zealot at this stage? I personally think it has great competitive potential, not to mention some of the Forge maps (not sure if you included those in 'default' or not).
  16. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    My main issue with zealot is all of the lifts, of course countdown has a few as well. I'm anxious about multiple lifts. It hasn't been a great mode of transportation for shooters unless they are short ones. I'll see though in the coming weeks, but as of right now, my glass is half empty. It can easily change though.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Hmm, I can definitely see where you're coming from, I'll admit that top/bottom level separation is rather defined, and the main lifts up there run from bottom middle which has obvious problems for a good team locking down top control. But hey, we've all been playing MLG Construct for the last 3 years :p.
  18. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    I really hate that threads get put on the front page of mlgpro when they get too many posts. That stupid AA vs no AA poll would have something resembling a sensible discussion and vote total if the swarms of front page only kids never saw it.

    Worst part of that forum by far.

    You should post there more Peg, that site needs people who can explain their opinion in more detail than just rewording "it's just not HALO" over and over again.
    #38 Ladnil, Sep 9, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2010
  19. LD

    LD Ancient
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    That's the reason why I don't visit MLG anymore

    concerning the maps, I think we will have 70-100% Forge Maps in Reach MLG.
    With the new capabilities of Forge, MLG will no longer stagnate at the point where everyone thinks he should build a Ons/Amp inspired Map too.

    Currently I'm watching a lot of VoD of Halo 1 and 2, to see what made MLG gameplay so much more fun inthose title than in Halo 3, event hough we were able to customize much more in Halo 3.
    With Reachs mechanics, I've come to the conclusion that Maps like Beaver Creek, Lockout and Warlock won't work if we just remake them. The beaver creek base for example has to be wider, due to the lack of buttom glitches took the randomness out of close quarter combat.
  20. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Were you part of the forums when the WAYWO was on the front page for a day? Learned some people were working on their BR and Call-outs.

    I doubt it would be sensible though, the RDT isn't sensible, we have too many nostalgic fanboys.

    I think Swordbase would only be playable by adding portals from the bottom to the top across from it. It would be more of a stand off than Lockout in TS, and any objective would be unplayable TBH.

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